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Of the nine red cards this season we probably deserved half of them.
The Spaniards have been reduced to aiming aimless balls into the box.
If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms.
I'm from Wisconsin, and I love snowboarding, hiking, yoga and soccer.
I can't stay in the box and wait for the ball. I can't - I would die.
And now International Soccer Special, Manchester United v Southampton
They have more ability in the middle of the field in terms of ability
If that lad makes a First Division footballer, then I'm Mao Tse Tung.
Once Celtic got their equaliser, they played a sort of anti-football.
Lukic saved with his foot, which is all part of the goalkeeper's arm.
I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.
I like linebackers. I collect 'em. You can't have too many good ones.
It was as if we had beaten a country, more than just a football team.
If you stand still there is only one way to go, and that's backwards.
He had an eternity to play that ball... but he took too long over it.
Peter Shilton conceded five, you don't get many of those to the dozen
We cannot play soccer without hands. You need your arms while running.
Soccer just couldn't satisfy my thirst for watching violence up close.
We've been beaten before but never defeated. Tonight we were defeated.
A game of soccer induces more than enjoyment, more than entertainment.
One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.
Your name is Sanchez, what are you doing playing for Northern Ireland?
The Uruguayans are losing no time in making a meal around the referee.
Trying to coach kindergarteners in soccer is like trying to herd cats.
As long as we have the possibility then we still have to fight for it.
I envied kids who played soccer and football, but that was not my gig.
Football is something like war. Whoever behaves too properly, is lost.
Halifax against Spurs, the original David against Goliath confrontation
I don't follow English soccer because it's become a game for hooligans.
Football (soccer) is a matter of life and death, except more important.
We absolutely annihilated England. It was a massacre. We beat them 5-4.
I listen to the phone-ins on the way home and I know how the fans feel.
I wanted to be a soccer player; I wanted to do it at the highest level.
I've seen them on television on a Sunday morning most days of the week.
We have been saying this, both pre season and before the season started
I think it all goes down to who plays the better football on the night.
It will be a shame if either side lose, and that applies to both sides.
I would just as likely be doing soccer practice as filming commercials.
He is a goal scorer, not a natural born one - not yet. That takes time.
I took a whack on my left ankle, but something told me it was my right.
If I walked on water, my accusers would say it is because I can't swim.
I've got absolutely no intention of ever going to play at another club.
I reckoned I could meet more girls being in a band than playing soccer.
It used to break my heart that I didn't get to start in varsity soccer!
Football is simple but the hardest thing to do is play simple football.
Bryan Robson, well, he does what he does and his future is in the future
I don't watch shows. I watch a lot of sports. Not soccer. I hate soccer.
If you can't stand the heat in the dressing-room, get out of the kitchen
I was a keen sportsman, and became school captain in soccer and cricket.
Sure, the home-field is an advantage - but so is having a lot of talent.