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We are Liverpool Football Club and the expectations are so high.
Never go for a 50-50 ball unless you're 80-20 sure of winning it.
Football is a simple game. It's just very hard to play it simple.
If you eat caviar every day it's difficult to return to sausages.
International football is the continuation of war by other means.
There's never a lot of Brazillian football played in these games.
I Wanted To Sign Scholes For Killie But Fergie Burst Out Laughing
You will go through tough times, it's about getting through them.
I'll never play at Wembley again, unless I play at Wembley again.
I'm a little embarrassed to say I'm a little bit of a soccer dad.
This city has two great teams – Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.
I felt that we couldn't win the game. It was absolutely shocking.
I didn't realise you could travel so far and still be in England.
Good players win you games, good formations stop you losing them.
If you keep asking me questions, I will continue to find excuses.
Who ever wins today will win the championship no matter who wins.
Some things you can shake off, some things dig deeper than soccer.
It can't be Sunday every day. There are also Mondays and Tuesdays.
I played soccer and could have probably made it to the top league.
Everything can happen in soccer. We have seen inexplicable things.
Well, Clive, it's all about the two Ms - movement and positioning.
Some people think that I haven't got the brains to be that clever.
If he'd been English or Swedish, he'd have walked the England job.
If a team intimidate you physically and you let them, they've won.
As a soccer player, that's the greatest dream, to win a World Cup.
If we played like that every week, we wouldn't be so inconsistent.
I can be a tennis player, a golf player, and even a soccer player.
A company works best when everybody does the job he is paid to do.
The person that said winning isn't everything, never won anything.
That's soccer. There are good games and others that aren't so much.
I was surprised, but I always say nothing surprises me in football.
If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all.
If you are first you are first. If you are second, you are nothing.
If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.
I'm not as big a soccer fan as people might imagine, being British.
I must have been a failed football coach in a previous incarnation.
What I said to them at half time would be unprintable on the radio.
It's a Renaissance, or put more simply, some you win, some you lose
I played varsity soccer at Yale and continued playing at Cambridge.
The USA are a goal down, and if they don't get a goal they'll lose.
I love soccer. That's my passion. That's what I make a living doing.
There's no in between-you're either good or bad. We were in between.
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
U.S. Soccer has no justification for paying us as little as they do.
People told me I was more of a soccer player, not a football player.
If it doesn't matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score?
The only thing Norwich didn't get was the goal that they finally got
The trouble with Earl Barrett is that he's one paced .... Zooommmmm.
I don't make a lot of mistakes, because it's hard for me to be wrong
Don't visualize beating the keeper, visualize destroying the keeper.