In scene after scene, meaning sneaks in and sometimes roars.

Once in a while, I try to sneak in something less known anyway.

Sometimes the things you really want sneak in the back door. Notice.

(Why did they call them sneakers if it was so hard to sneak in them?)

I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing.

It just gripes me hollow, the way God always sneaks in to take the credit.

Anytime I can sneak in a moment to fish and ride horses, I'm a happy camper!

Foolishness pours out of an open mouth.... but wisdom sneaks in through the ears.

I like simple things. I like to sneak in the theatre and watch movies. I'm a movie buff.

I loved Bonny, and I always prayed that God would sneak in there and get a little light in her life.

But if you don't watch me, I will try and sneak in some humor. I see humor everywhere in life around me.

I'm not trying to take New York by storm. I just want to sneak in there, keep my head down, batten down the hatches and cook.

Glory never arrives through the front door. She sneaks in uninvited round the back or through an upstairs window while you are sleeping.

I like to sneak in under the radar. I don't have any paparazzi following me or have to deal with that stuff. I'm never in the tabloids. I prefer that.

I just happen to be a sucker for humor. So anywhere I can sneak in something that I find potentially interesting or funny I do it as much as I can get away with.

Having the equivalent of 150,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs at the ready does nothing to protect us from terrorists planning to sneak in a bomb through a cargo container.

Don't try to sneak in through the window. Just come boldly onto stage, like come right through the door with your choice. Kill the judge in your head and just take action.

Once I caught my dad in front of the TV watching a tennis match, and I realized they were tricking us. Poor guy, he had to sneak in a tennis final - probably the French Open.

If you're going to help somebody, sneak in, sneak out, do what you can. I just sneak along and do my thing and meet wonderful people, some people I've never met, new friends.

I am an old-fashioned storyteller. I try to make people laugh and cry. A fiction writer's duty is to entertain. If you can sneak in something profound or symbolic, so much the better.

and never really thought I'd amount to anything. It was precisely what I wanted the whole world to think; then I could sneak in, if that's what they wanted, and sneak out again, which I did.

I often eat Skippys Super Chunk peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. I dont shamefully sneak it in the dark of night when everyone is in bed. I just twist that cap off and go to town right out in the open.

To close the empathetic gap, you really want to get the person emotionally identifying [with your subject and characters], and then when you do that, then you want sneak in a lesson about history and about politics and whatever else you might think about.

I used to love to go to the movies - I'd see two in a row. A few times I even snuck into the second movie after it started... now that I think about it, that's kind of like shoplifting! Needless to say, I still love going to the movies, but I don't sneak in anymore.

"I'm going back!" I shouted, standing to put some distance between us in case I was yanking her chain too hard and she came after me. "I'll show him," I said, waving an arm. "I'll sneak in. I'll steal his freaking glasses and mail them back to him in a freaking birthday card!"

Now I'm able to play on the main stage and play my own tracks and the crowd likes them. I feel like a lot the other DJs play a lot of the same songs, and not to knock them, but it's important to me to go up there and sort of sneak in a bunch of stuff the other guys aren't playing.

When you're not 21, it's great to drink because you're not allowed to. You're a rebel: you gotta get a fake I.D., you gotta find a place to drink it, you gotta sneak in drunk. And if you get away with all that, you're laying in bed, your heart's pounding, you got vomit on your chin. You're like, 'I'm a rebel!' And you are. You're cool.

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