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Snapchat changed that perception of deleting something as bad. Online, typically you delete something if it's bad or if it's really embarrassing.
I mainly use Instagram and Twitter to be able to interact with fans and talk to them, and then Snapchat is the app I use to interact with my friends.
My younger son told me nobody uses email anymore. I'm this old fogie with my email. I don't know what I'm supposed to communicate with now - SnapChat?
The more you Snapchat, the more you take pictures, it makes you want to have a better party because you want better Snapchats, you want better pictures.
I am always on Instagram, Snapchat, and all other social media platforms... So, I am a very tech-friendly person, and I've grown up playing on my phone.
Snapchat works because using a selfie is way easier than texting or tweeting. Stories should adapt to the medium and do so without cheapening the story.
I keep track of my kids sometimes with social media. I have to check TMZ every morning to see what's going on, and then at night, I go to bed with Snapchat.
Having been bullied growing up, it's something that's really near and dear to my heart. You probably won't have many friends on Snapchat if you're being a jerk.
When you look at Mark Zuckerberg and Snapchat and all these twentysomething billionaires, it's really kind of fascinating; a classic tale of the haves and have-nots.
Share shame so you are not left alone with it. If you can't find another person, get a journal. I didn't say make a video on Snapchat. It's for you, not anyone else.
A lot of my girlfriends are on Snapchat, and they were being scandalous with what they were showing on there. I keep it pretty simple. I give updates and share things.
Even before Snapchat, you go back into my career from Day One or interview people that knew me for 25 years, they're going to tell you I've been DJ Khaled my whole life.
I've been working hard to lose weight and become healthier overall. I even started putting the workouts on my Snapchat so my fans can see how dedicated I am to being better.
I don't send and receive messages on Snapchat; I never have. Stories is the only feature I use. I think of them becoming a more dynamic social network, and I think it's great.
Since the iPhone, the most transformative products have not been gadgets but services. Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat have changed lives, but they didn't launch to massive fanfare.
My mom is a pretty private person, and if I was making Snapchat videos of her all the time, I think, A, she would hit me, and B, she just wouldn't appreciate it. So I don't do it a ton.
TV is no longer the best alternative to boredom. To kids not old enough for Snapchat, music is the best alternative to boredom. For Snapchat users, it's the best alternative to boredom.
The social marketing teams of big companies will always figure out a way to advertise on Snapchat. I'd like to create a space for people who have a lot of talent but not a lot of reach.
Generally speaking, the people who come to work at Snapchat believe in personal growth. It's part of why Snapchat's stories are ephemeral, because you will be a different person tomorrow.
Don't be afraid to be ugly on Snapchat at 2 a.m. when you wake up and roll out of bed. It's those real moments that create that a connection; it's like, 'Hey, this person is just like me.'
I'm late, right? I'm always late to every social media thing. I noticed my friends all did Snapchat, and, like, a lot of celebrities, so I was like, 'Oh OK... Maybe I need to get Snapchat.'
We have to take our democracy back. We cannot leave it to Facebook or Snapchat or anyone else. We have to take democracy back and renew it. Society is about people and not about technology.
For Snapchat, the closer we can get to 'I want to talk to you' - that emotion of wanting to see you and then seeing you - the better and better our product and our view of the world will be.
Sadly, it seems as if there is no longer any real history. Just momentary reactions to events that disappear like sky-writing with items like Twitter, texts, Meerkat, Snapchat, and Instagram.
As users flock to Vine, Snapchat and, previously, Instagram, the social platforms are challenged to continue to be the primary provider of these services to the growing army of smartphone users.
One of the things that technology has is a direct relationship with its users. We talk about newspapers. But the biggest newspapers in the world right now are Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram.
I tweet early in the morning when I wake up or late at night just to let you know that I have a show or what's on my mind, and that's it. I hate Snapchat and all of that. It's making kids so stupid.
Facebook, Apple, Tinder, Snapchat, and Google create our social realities - how we make friends, how we get jobs, and how mankind interacts. And the truth is, women don't truly have a seat at the table.
The main gripe I have with Snapchat is as a content creator, which I understand is not the normal perspective… How is anyone ever going to find my Snapchat Story if they don't have my username or my number?
I can only speak to the Democrat side, but for the Democrats, everything is aggressively measured, and what that means is if you're going to use Snapchat, you're going to use it for a reason, not just for fun.
Snapchat really has to do with the way photographs have changed. Historically, photos have always been used to save really important memories: major life moments. But today... pictures are being used for talking.
My only piece of advice is that all of you consider every single text and Snapchat that you ever make as also being shared with your partner, because they all check your phones all the time - trust me on this one.
People think they have a perfect idea of who you are from a four-second Snapchat video... and fake blogs, stories, magazine covers. In reality, that's not the case. Nobody knows who I am except family and my close friends.
I got my Gucci nails done for a photo shoot. After the shoot I would be on Snapchat and Instagram and everybody was hitting me up about it. Eventually that turned into kids sending me photos of them getting Gucci nails.
I'm way flashier on Instagram and Snapchat because I feel like that's what people want to see, and that's I've always done, so I'm not going to stop. People want to see my cars and my purses. People love fashion. But that's so not me.
When it comes time to where the new album gets closer, I start singing the song a cappella; I'll preview it on my Snapchat and get creative with it - just kind of bringing everybody into more than just listening to the record on album.
Managing directors at top-tier investment banks may pocket a million a year and be worth tens of millions after a long career. Early employees at tech firms like Uber, Airbnb, and Snapchat can make many times that amount of money in a matter of years.
Facebook, Google, YouTube, even Snapchat are clamping down on conservatives. It's the DNC and Big Tech colluding. That is the government colluding with big business. That is not America, that's not the West - that is Communism, and it's morally wrong.
What Snapchat said was if we try to model conversations as they occur, they're largely ephemeral. We may try to write down and save the really special moments, but by and large, we just try to let everything go. We remember it, but we don't try to save it.
I don't keep an ongoing dribble of updates of my day, but I tell little compartmentalized stories every day on Snapchat. I use it much more like making a movie than maintaining a diary. When people watch my 60-second clips, there's a beginning, middle, and end.
If I go on summer vacation, I'd make a funny video about it for YouTube. For Instagram I'd show the gorgeous pictures. Snapchat is for the little side moments, like the hotel room, the food. Twitter is for whatever thoughts that come to mind about the vacation.
Traditional social media, in the view of our company, has become a bit repetitive. It doesn't feel very good to be marketed to by your friends. Snapchat is different because it says, look, friends aren't valuable to you just because they can get you into a cool party.
Social systems have values - arguments baked into their design. For example, Twitter's core argument seems to be, 'Everything should be public, and messages should find the largest audience possible.' Snapchat's might be, 'Communication should be private and ephemeral.'
Every camera shoots horizontal, right? So we're all super used to framing things with lots of horizontal room. We've seen this new wave of Snapchat stories and Instagram stories where people are actually framing for and recording in vertical. Whether it's better or not is debatable.
I try to share a lot of my life on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, everything. I really like interacting with fans on Twitter and answering their questions and just getting to know them because it's cool for them to have people who are connecting with my music reach out and show interest.
I think what's happening for me, it's fun to see other things besides Facebook and Twitter take hold. The maturity of Tumblr as a real player is exciting. I think Pinterest has proved to be a major player. It's fun to see Instagram become a major player. It's fun to watch things like SnapChat, and Vine, try to vie to be the next thing.
The thing about Snapchat is it is ephemeral, so you don't - it's not like a video that you post to YouTube and then everyone can see it. It's this video that you get to share this kind of very intimate experience again, this very kind of genuine experience with another person in a more one-on-one sort of way. And I really appreciate that.
The early entrants into the world of A.R., as with its cousin virtual reality, were disappointing: the phones were too weak, the networks were too slow, and the applications were too nerdy. But now the technological pieces are in place, and a whole generation - much of which is on Snapchat - has come to consider the camera almost a third arm.
When MUDs appeared, that was an entirely novel experience, and often an addictive one. Long before Twitter or Snapchat, MUDs inspired the moral panic of the moment: a 1993 'Wired' article titled 'The Dragon Ate My Homework' described university students losing themselves in these virtual worlds. Keep in mind: they were just words on a screen.
The cool thing about Snapchat is you can get a lot of news on there now. There's CNN, ESPN, and I find myself reading the most random articles. I don't know how it actually benefits me, but it's interesting. I like to stay up on current events, so I have to give kudos to Snapchat: they've done a good job of that. But I'm on there way too much.