I myself never feel that I'm sexy. If people call me cute, I am happier.

My hand is the extension of the thinking process - the creative process.

Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything.

Watt had watched people smile and thought he understood how it was done.

A Christmas tree--the perfect gift for a guy. The plant is already dead.

Boredom, not the will, is the mother of change. Necessity is the father.

So I show appreciation for the little gifts that have been handed to me.

The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared with Jesus Christ.

I don't want to slam the cute and fun movies out there, but it gets old.

What you have become is the price you paid to get what you used to want.

Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks.

Just because a relationship ends, it doesn't mean it's not worth having.

You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.

That's a valiant flea that dares eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.

There are some women whose pregnancy would make some sly bachelor smile.

So mayst thou live, dear! many years, In all the bliss that life endears

My father, he was like the rock, the guy you went to with every problem.

The sages say that life is illusion, but does that change its poignancy?

True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable

Change is as inexorable as time, yet nothing meets with more resistance.

A genuine, affectionate smile is very important in our day-to-day lives.

I expect that all of us get pretty much what we deserve of appreciation.

My cheeks explode when I smile. That's why I have to look so nonplussed.

I'm young as morning and fresh as dew. Everybody loves me and so do you.

He taught me never to smile, which helps me when I visit disaster sites.

One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.

To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.

A rule to live by: I won't use anything I can't explain in five minutes.

I just want to show the fans my big smile and play the game that I love.

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

Pessimists calculate the odds. Optimists believe they can overcome them.

Men are like wine - some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

It's lovely to work with a group of actors who make you laugh and smile.

Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.

It is the same in love as in war; a fortress that parleys is half taken.

Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.

Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted.

Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change.

I have a greater appreciation for kitchen appliances, having played one.

I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery.

Courage originally meant "To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart

I love nerdy, cute, quirky boys who don't take themselves too seriously.

If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?

Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet the bloody thing.

Art should make you think and feel. It doesn't have to match your couch.

Save a boyfriend for a rainy day - and another, in case it doesn't rain.

Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much, we feel so little.

If you survive long enough, you're revered - rather like an old building.

Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.

Windows are as essential to office prestige as Christmas is to retailing.

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