If the Lord had meant us to pay income taxes, he'd have made us smart enough to prepare the return.

When I'm not working, I like to be comfortable. I do like to dress smart, but comfort is important.

Fishing is a hard job. Fishing at night. Rain. Day, night. You have to be wise and smart. And quick.

If you are halfway smart, and you could really listen to the audience, you could really learn a lot.

Americans are very smart about the things they care about, and ignorant about the things they don't.

The future will belong to the nature-smart...Th e more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.

A lot of smart young people have come out of Indiana. The smarter they are, the faster they come out

My parents wanted me to be smart and be a scholar, and the best I could do was graduate high school.

No one, however smart, however well-educated, however experienced, is the suppository of all wisdom.

Of course a lot of the journalists hated Nixon, but they were always blown away by how smart he was.

We need a government that is what we are at our best. Smart, efficient, pragmatic and compassionate.

Teens like a lot of the same things adults do: smart people doing amazing things against awful odds.

Trella! You’re here,” he said with glee. “Even though I’m not as smart as you, I do know where I am.

I will not be concerned at other men's not knowing me;I will be concerned at my own want of ability.

She might not be as beautiful, or as smart or as rich as all the rest of them. But she had her pride

Smart, sustainable, inclusive growth is the key to job-creation and the future prosperity of Europe.

Look I'm politically correct, I went to a great school, I was a good student, look, I'm a smart guy.

I would hope that Kanye [West] would be remembered for being smart and sticking to what he believes.

A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be

It is always disillusioning to weigh your fish and measure your golf drives. Smart men estimate them.

Lively, too. Talky as a jaybird. With something smart to say on every subject: better than the radio.

For the task assigned them Men aren't smart enough or sly Any rogue can blind them With a clever lie.

I like a funny girl. Smart. Talented. I like someone who is good at music - that always intrigues me.

She's kind of a walking poem, she's this perfect beauty...but at the same time very deep, very smart.

I don't feel too comfortable talking about politics and media as I feel like I don't sound too smart.

I'd rather be Jack be smart, than Jack be quick. Watch out for the man with the big fat licking stick.

Most analysts are SO SMART and have amazing ideas, but they can't convey their genius ideas to others.

We get so worried about being pretty. Let’s be pretty kind. Pretty funny. Pretty smart. Pretty strong.

I'm telling you that you don't have to choose between smart and sexy. You can have both. You are both.

People too smart to get involved in politics are doomed to live in societies run by people who aren't.

I would rather have a lucky general than a smart general.... They win battles, and they make me lucky.

But I think that no matter how smart, people usually see what they're already looking for, that's all.

People think that just because you're a center, you're not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys.

Billy Tauzin is one of the most interesting people in Washington. He is smart, funny, and interesting.

Well, I think that people are smart enough to understand the difference between a movie and real life.

A string of successes can kill you if they make you think, 'Hey, I'm smart; I can't make any mistakes'.

No one person, no one alliance, no one nation, no one of us is as smart as all of us thinking together.

M: Is he smart I: She yes very smart sees right through me M: In my day we valued blindness rather more

If your smart you can have lots of frends to talk to and you never get lonley by yourself all the time.

I wasn't very good in academics, but I could have been if I could have studied well. I was a smart kid.

If Einstein was so smart how come people only call you 'Einstein' when you do something really stupid ?

My mom's a chemist, so she's pretty smart. I love technology and I can handle myself around a computer.

You can't make people smarter. You can expose them to information, but your responsibility stops there.

Cutting our education budget, that's not a smart choice. That will not help America compete with China.

I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.

Smart, sharp, and hilarious, Slaughterhouse 90210 is the perfect pick-me-up and never-put-me-down book.

I play dumb like Jessica Simpson plays dumb. But we know exactly what we're doing. We're smart blondes.

It's an honor for me to contribute to Houston's younger generations and show them that 'smart is cool.'

I'm not very big on politics. I'm a comedian and not that smart. I don't have the mind capacity for it.

Otherwise I don't read much adult poetry at all, because I'm not smart enough and mostly I don't get it.

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