It is a great difficulty and a great necessity to have to start with the smallest.

A true delineation of the smallest man is capable of interesting the greatest man.

The smallest number, with God and truth on their side, are weightier than thousands.

I've always been one of the smallest, if not the smallest guy on the football field.

I'm not afraid to go anywhere, to the smallest theatre or the least amount of money.

In a society based on nonviolence, the smallest nation will feel as tall as the tallest.

The smallest gesture can mean to much to those who may need a little lift in their lives.

It's funny how the smallest things I've done speak the loudest about me, but I like that.

But giving back isn't just a celebrity thing; the smallest acts can make a big difference.

Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts, even in the most difficult of times.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

Even the smallest and most trivial thing can bring you happiness when you do it for another.

I've had people tell me I'm fat, and I'm like one of the smallest people I've met in my life.

I'm someone who has grown physically at a later age, I was always one of the smallest players.

He has the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thoughts.

Praise your children more than you correct them. Praise them for even their smallest achievement.

Faith in Christ and a reliance on ourselves, even to the smallest degree, are mutually exclusive.

To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.

I'll be happy if I can gain even the smallest place inside the literary imagination of U.S. readers.

I'll be fine, and suddenly I'll feel the depression coming on. It can start with the smallest thing.

The resource of life is everywhere, even in the smallest of things and we're never very far from it.

I make a little goal every day and work toward achieving it - even if it's the smallest little thing.

I'm the smallest man in show business, and I've got the smallest bird in Britain nesting in my garden.

The smallest errors are always the best. [Fr., Les plus courtes erreurs sont toujours les meilleures.]

Mickey - the smallest husband I ever had and the biggest mistake I ever made - well, that year, it was.

I never knew a writer yet who took the smallest pains with his style and was at the same time readable.

I want to work with Bayona again. I keep emailing my agent about it. Even the smallest role, I'll do it.

What is fashion? It's discipline. Discipline and a credo to do only the best, down to the smallest detail.

In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little, human detail can become a Leitmotiv.

The Hollywood thing is - like, it feels like the biggest thing in the world, and yet it's the smallest town.

The person whose doors I enter with most pleasure, and quit with most regret, never did me the smallest favor.

Why do men think they know how to cook outside when they haven't the smallest idea how to go about it indoors?

I want almost no laws, I want the smallest government possible. I don't want anyone telling anyone what to do.

I have always noticed that the people who have the smallest souls make the most fuss about getting them saved.

The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings.

I thought the Little League fields were big. You look back now, and its obviously the smallest field you can play on.

If we reduce social life to the smallest possible unit we will find that there is no social life in the company of one.

I never knew any painter worthy of the name who paid the smallest attention to what a critic says, even in conversation.

Happiness,... even the smallest happiness, is like a step out of Time, and the greatest happiness is sharing in Eternity.

If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters.

The reason bubbles are spherical is that a sphere is the smallest, most economical form possible to contain a given volume.

I played at Room 5 a lot, which is probably the smallest capacity venue in Los Angeles. I begged my friends to come see me.

Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.

The tallest and the smallest among us are so alike diminutive and pitifully base, it is a meanness to calculate the difference.

Whatever you're working on, take small bites. The task will not be overwhelming if you can reduce it to its smallest component.

The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition.

If you are focused on profits right out of the gate, you're gonna have the smallest profitable business that has ever been seen.

I developed my armour at prep school. I was the smallest guy in the school. I got bullied a lot. So I developed broad shoulders.

My Chinese side comes out in my dancing. There's a certain in-the-moment sentimentality, an appreciation for the smallest details.

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