Whenever possible, buy a fish whole. With tuna, this isn't practical; with smaller fish, it is.

The only way to make government more efficient is to make it smaller and to make it more local.

I guess the line between being paranoid and being a rock star is smaller than one would expect.

I have smaller hands, so it's nice being a littler guy, having a guitar that fits my body type.

In Canada, you do smaller movies that maybe nobody sees, but you get to do bigger, better parts.

Playing the same role over and over makes me feel claustrophobic sometimes and smaller than I am.

I prefer to play in smaller venues because I like the intimacy, the connection with the audience.

The cool thing about the smaller gigs - it's the intimacy. You really feel connected to the crowd.

We think there's a huge opportunity in smaller vehicles. Smaller vehicles done in an American way.

We had several hits in the States but probably only one big one in Europe. The crowds are smaller.

I like the brand Band of Outsiders. Their suits are cut really slim, for smaller framed gentlemen.

Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady.

I do like to hang out in the corner and keep my eye on the party, or be outside in a smaller group.

If you're making a smaller movie, you're almost obligated to do something unexpected and surprising.

Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change - from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger.

The more of your private life you put into the public domain, the smaller your private life becomes.

I've got a 27-inch waist. Before, I was stupid smaller. Finding clothes in the South was impossible.

When you're smaller, you kind of learn how to do other things. You have to work a little bit harder.

When you're smaller and leaner, you're not going to have that large a presence throughout the world.

Paul Ryan says he's for smaller government, and he's funded every big government idea that there is.

Acting must be scaled down for the screen. A drawing room is a lot smaller than a theatre auditorium.

Younger writers and smaller writers need to live and get by. They need to be paid. It has to be fair.

Maybe I should have taken it easy on the smaller shows especially, but all in all, I have no regrets.

It's exciting to be able to be part of the block and tackle of building a company from a smaller base.

When any organizational entity expands beyond 21 members, the real power will be in some smaller body.

People think that just because you're a center, you're not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys.

I'd be more interested in doing a smaller, character driven thing, rather than another action picture.

Coming from a smaller place always made things feel more personal, which is really what it's all about.

I do smaller films, I'm not getting big paydays. I feel like we're just kind of scraping together here.

Venezuela is incredible, but Caracas? Oh God, I hate it. The sidewalks get smaller every time I go back.

If you choose to work at a larger company over a smaller company, you are more likely to be higher paid.

In Boston they have gone from large autonomous high schools to smaller schools within the same building.

I have nothing against smaller roles; they made me what I am today. But, progression is the way of life.

Women think that smaller brows will open up their eyes, but that's wrong and it affects your entire face.

I don't care what people call me, labels have the negative value of making smaller boundaries for people.

I feel like it's harder to perform in front of a smaller crowd sometimes still than it is a larger crowd.

The work that is truly productive is the domain of a steadily smaller and more elite fraction of humanity.

Sometimes shooting on a smaller scale, as long as things don't blow out of proportion, is very liberating.

I think it's important to do smaller films because I think that's where a lot of new things are happening.

Sometimes people have a hard time believing that a company is intentionally trying to make itself smaller.

A still image attracts the viewer with an overall impact, then reveals smaller details upon further study.

Making art in big cities is often frustrating and difficult. It's why artists are drawn to smaller places.

We spend as much time looking at companies that are smaller than we are as we do at those that are bigger.

I prefer to explore the most intimate moments, the smaller, crystallized details we all hinge our lives on.

I never liked big parties, especially going alone. I much prefer smaller gatherings that are more intimate.

The future of TV is not on TV. It's on the smaller screens we are all using in front of the television set.

We need people with foresight who are willing to make films with smaller budgets and accept smaller profits.

Most of the time, you find that the smaller the budget, the more the project is about something substantive.

Well, if you pick a fight with somebody that's smaller than you and you beat them, where's the honor in that?

This office is smaller than the last one I had. I'm not trying to impress people. I want to be close to them.

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