We came from a small town where there was no music scene or no other bands, and we decided to put ours together and go for it.

I literally integrated the small town of Libertyville, Illinois. I was the first person of color to reside within its borders.

Being from a small town, no one else was going to breathe life into my ideas other than me, so I had to go out there and do it.

When I became Miss India Asia-Pacific in 1994, I was a small town girl from Calicut. If I could make it, then wow, anyone could.

It's so hard to make noise coming from a small town that by the time you start branding yourself, you've grown in a certain way.

I'm living out a childhood fantasy. Our house is in a historic district of a small town that I used to read about in storybooks.

I'm a Midwesterner by birth, and when I traveled there, when I was young, most of the small towns were thriving, vibrant places.

Teenage girls read in packs. It's true today, and it was true when I was a teen growing up in a small town in northeast Oklahoma.

I grew up in a suburb of Ohio, in a small town, and I resonated with that small-town feeling where everybody knows your business.

I think my songs are singing to the rural heart. It's not whether you're from a big city or the middle of nowhere in a small town.

I think I knew acting was what I wanted to do. But I was from this small town and there was no place for an adult to recognise it.

If a person wants to make it big, they can, and they will! The place that they come from doesn't matter, whether small town or big.

I live in a small town in Connecticut, and they don't write scripts there, but I get them anyway because my agent is in Los Angeles.

I was born and grew up in Vandalia, Illinois, a small town of about 6,000. It was farm country, and this was the little county seat.

My father was a Norwegian who came from a small town near Oslo. He broke his arm at the elbow when he was 14, and they amputated it.

I developed 'Trapped' because I was fascinated with the idea of a terrible crime in a small town cut off from the rest of the world.

Some of my songs are about the feeling you belong somewhere else. But there's also something grounding about coming from a small town.

I'm old school. We're from a small town in Georgia, and I think if we do pictures before the wedding, I think I'm gonna be blindfolded.

I hail from a small town. My parents were never apprehensive about my decision to take up acting - they've been a constant support to me.

I really, really look up to Carrie Underwood a lot because she came from a small town that has the same population as mine - 3,500 people.

From a very young age, I wanted to be an actor, but I lived in a very small town in Florida where there weren't any opportunities for that.

Hollywood is a small town, believe it or not. I see the same people over and over, so it's not that overwhelming or crazy as you might think.

[Margaret Thatcher] scorned and despised other women, and predicated her values entirely on the values of her father, a small town shopkeeper.

There are aspects of small town life that I really like - the routine nature of it, the idea of people knowing you and your likes and dislikes.

I have a house in a small town in Tuscany where everybody knows and looks out for each other. That's a similar mentality to on the Isle of Man.

In the small town of Hannibal, Missouri, when I was a boy, everybody was poor, but didn't know it; and everybody was comfortable and did know it.

I thought, 'What if I were 17, and it was my small town of Springhill, Louisiana? How would I feel if people started flooding in to see some bird?'

Portland has all the accoutrements of a big city, but the heart and soul of it is a small town, so that creates an intimacy in a large environment.

I'm from a small town on the bottom edge of Mississippi, very near New Orleans and the Louisiana border. My family has lived there for generations.

Like a lot of young people growing up in the middle of nowhere, I was desperate to leave my small town behind, but music reconnected me to my roots.

Even if you live in a big city, everybody lives in a small town. We identify ourselves by our neighborhoods - 'I live in the Village, or in Chelsea.'

I look forward to a time when my career in a place where I can get out of Los Angeles and find a nice small town like I grew up in to raise my family.

I grew up in a small town in the Mojave Desert where conservative Republicans were as common as cacti. Inexplicably, I grew up liberal and a feminist.

I grew up in a small town in Illinois, and my dad was a basketball coach. Thanks to him, I have excellent fundamentals in both basketball and baseball.

I think a common misconception about a small town in rural America is that everyone believes the same way, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Coming from a small town it was tough to dream big. When I grew up in a small town in Georgia, my biggest dream was one day to be able to go to Atlanta.

When small towns find they cannot harm the strangest of their members, when eccentrics show resilience, they are eventually embraced and even cherished.

I think growing up in a small town, the kind of people I met in my small town, they still haunt me. I find myself writing about them over and over again.

You have to get over being shy, and just be comfortable with yourself, and I think that for me, if I'd stayed in a small town, I'd be a different person.

Whether you live in a city or a small town, and whether you drive a car, take the bus or ride a train, at some point in the day, everyone is a pedestrian.

The dynamic is extremely similar to Gremlins and the hero is very similar, plus the small town atmosphere. It really is in a way the third Gremlins movie.

Coming from a small town in New Mexico - Lovington, New Mexico - I was very happy to go to college for free and get a scholarship to play college football.

As a kid, I would always shop for my back-to-school clothes at department stores. I lived in a small town, and department stores were all we had access to.

With a small town mentality, you make a decision very early on as to whether you are going to do everything by the book or just go your own way and not care.

We had South African accents. I was a vegan. I was raised without religion. I was just the weirdest kid in this small town, so I got made fun of a lot for it.

I'm from a small town where everybody always has something to say - you shouldn't sing secular music, you shouldn't do this or do that. A ton of "shouldn'ts."

I hope that somewhere in Small Town, U.S.A., a 15-year-old kid looks to me as a role model the way I looked at the Indigo Girls and Elton John as role models.

Each January, nearly half a million people visit the small town of Saundatti for ajatre or festival, to be blessed by Yellamma, the Hindu goddess of fertility.

I live on a small town on the lake, and I mean people would get on their jet skis and just post up in front of my crib, trying to see who was there in my house.

If I had to come up with something that just came to me, I think growing up in a small town, I want knowledge. I still think today, knowledge is one of the keys.

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