A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there ...

A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist.

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal ...

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.

Pot always just made me sleepy.

The sleepy like to make excuses.

Easy roads make sleepy travellers.

Boredom makes me sleepy or restless.

Yes, talking to people makes me sleepy.

A sleepy master makes his servant a Lowt.

The poor never get the job done they are sleepy.

Sleepy-head is no longer aroused by tragic imaginings.

This is so much fun, but I’m so sleepy. To be continued?

Reading makes me so sleepy. Honestly, I'm a visual learner.

I like that Sleepy Brown guy who's down with Andre. He's so great.

I am a sleepy fellow. I will take a nice long nap the first chance I get.

I smoke a cigar or two a day. I did have a brownie once. It made me sleepy.

Without a huge shock, the sleepy-head, ignorant Japanese will never wake up.

Marriage is a sleepy guard to which one confides one's dearest treasure, love.

Sleepy Hollow had a lot of action in it, even though it was a fairy-tale movie.

If you are weary of some sleepy form of devotion, probably God is as weary of it as you are.

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes, and when again they open, the sun will rise.

I hate a sleepy, nonresponsive, and silent audience because it fails to excite me as a performer.

The trouble with having a wired jaw is that you can never tell when you're sleepy. You can't yawn.

Then come and as we lay, beside this sleepy glade, there I will sing to you my Longfellow serenade.

The community is eminently Portuguese - that is to say, it is slow, poor, shiftless, sleepy, and lazy.

Unfortunately, I suffer from insomnia, so my bedtime is as soon as I start to feel the least bit sleepy.

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

All men should have a drop of treason in their veins, if nations are not to go soft like so many sleepy pears.

I feel like all Londoners relate more to New York - L.A. doesn't feel like a 'city' city. It's like a sleepy town.

When you happy, you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware.

When you happy ,you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware.

Sometimes I feel I'm being animated, but it comes off differently. Unfortunately, I was cursed with these sleepy eyes.

Tim Burton's 'Sleepy Hollow' has got to be the most gorgeous, sumptuous, painterly movie ever made about multiple decapitations.

I am overworked sometimes. I'm tired sometimes. I'm sleepy sometimes. And social media allows me to show you that I'm human, too.

I was happy. I loved the night, I loved t so much it almost hurt. In the night everything seemed possible. I wasn't sleepy at all.

When I was 14, 15, 16, I was wearing 'Edward Scissorhands' and 'Nightmare before Christmas' stuff. I saw 'Sleepy Hollow' a dozen times.

Most Sunday magazines, with the New York Times as an exception, are kind of sleepy, weekend service vehicles to move living room products.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

I dye my eyelashes on occasion so I don't have to wear mascara. I find that mascara weighs on my eyes, making me sleepy, and it is a pain to take off.

I disconnected as a sleepy Seth stepped out of the bedroom. “Who’s Dante? Was that a collect call to the Inferno?” “They won’t accept the charges,” I murmured.

Lately, I haph startet painting my torso in pretty, motley hews. I sit in phront oph the mirror in the sleepy-room. I atmire my hantyworg. I am a hooman apstrat paining.

When children are hungry, sleepy from a night spent fighting untreated asthma, or hobbled by symptoms of undiagnosed illnesses, they are less likely to do well in school.

I love the make-up trailer. It's a great way to start the day, drinking coffee and singing along to Elvis with the make-up artists. They work wonders on a very sleepy face.

People tend to think of Brisbane as a sleepy, sub-topical place. I don't know. It's like Baltimore or something. I don't know. You would hear the family dramas going on behind closed doors.

But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.

Working out, no matter what time of the night, rejuvenates me. At times, I don't feel sleepy after a workout session, as I am all fresh and charged up, and I don't mind compromising on my sleep.

As a solo artist, it's so easy to be lumped into a singer / songwriter genre and writing sleepy, sad songs that are very emotionally rich that mean a lot to you, and people just get kind of tired.

'Sleepy Hollow' was really the first thing I'd done that gave me the opportunity in the modern age to build an authentic relationship with an audience that was a lot more like what happens in theater.

On the first day of my shoot for 'School Master,' I was feeling a little uneasy because I had to travel a lot. I was feeling a little sleepy too. After the completion of each shot, I would go for a small nap.

Backstage, I get sleepy, and want to curl up and snooze. I never get nervous, whatever the event. I feel quite detached until I walk on stage, and then some gear inside me clicks and off I go like a wind up doll.

There's something to be said for being sleepy-eyed. I love sleepy eyes - that sort of vulnerability of being slightly discombobulated because you don't know where you are. But I like that vulnerability. It's sexy to me.

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