The private control of credit is the modern form of slavery.

Better freedom with a crust, than slavery with every luxury.

I would rather die upon yonder gallows, than live in slavery.

It is better to sacrifice everything than to live in slavery!

There might be some sinister modern form of slavery going on.

If you are living out of a sense of obligation you are slave.

See, it's no in between: you're either free or you're a slave.

Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.

Is there any other slavery and chain like that of temperament?

I do not weep: I loathe tears, for they are a sign of slavery.

How great would be our peril if our slaves began to number us!

Slavery is dead, but the spirit which animated it still lives.

Slavery ended and left its false images of black people intact

Adolescence is a kind of slavery cleverly disguised as freedom.

Men fearing their innate power, pushed woman back into slavery.

We are never really beyond it... slavery continues to this day.

Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery.

If a nation wishes, it can have both free elections and slavery.

Slavery is illegal everywhere, but it exists all over the world.

No blessing, no good, can follow in the path trodden by slavery.

Slavery has as many shapes among us as there are things we need.

Slavery has never been abolished from America's way of thinking.

Not easily may an individual escape the deep slavery of the herd.

I think we must get rid of slavery or we must get rid of freedom.

Record contracts are just like - I'm gonna say the word, slavery.

Free labor has the inspiration of hope; pure slavery has no hope.

Slavery exists. It is black in the South, and white in the North.

And who is responsible for this appalling child slavery? Everyone.

Slavery is the great and foul stain upon the North American Union.

I never thought my book would turn so many people against slavery.

A toleration of slavery is, in effect, a toleration of inhumanity.

If the states had to vote on slavery, we would have lost the vote.

The wrecks of slavery are fast growing a fungus crop of sentiment.

Tammany Hall and slavery usually found 'The Herald' on their side.

I think we must get rid of slavery, or we must get rid of freedom.

All of us are called to fight #‎ humantraffickin g and #‎ slavery .

The secrets of slavery are concealed like those of the Inquisition.

Harriet Tubman, woman of earth, whipscarred, a summoning, a shinning

It is easy to see that when republican virtue fails, slavery ensues.

Slavery is not African history. Slavery interrupted African history.

The prolonged slavery of women is the darkest page in human history.

It's not that hard to say slavery is wrong after we've abolished it.

The subject is said to have the property of making dull men eloquent.

Yielding to Jesus will break every form of slavery in any human life.

The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth.

I escaped from slavery and became a leading abolitionist and speaker.

Coercion created slavery, the cowardice of the slaves perpetuated it.

Oh, could slavery exist long if it did not sit on a commercial throne?

It is slavery to live in the mind unless it has become part of the body

Slavery holds few men fast; the greater number hold fast their slavery.

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