You had better all die - die immediately, than live as slaves and entail your wretchedness upon your posterity.

The Negro is nothing but an ex-slave who is now trying to get himself integrated into the slave master's house.

Having rationally endeavored to control nature, is he not now becoming the slave of the objects which he makes?

I would have been able to free a thousand more slaves if I could only have convinced them that they were slaves.

I come from a family of servants. My father's father was a servant, and my father's father's father was a slave.

A man who is more concerned with being a good man than being good at being a man makes a very well-behaved slave.

The Placer is an enemy who must necessarily become our lord or our slave; one doesn't enjoy if it's not defeated.

The well-stuffed slave masters currently gorging themselves in Cuba's halls of power need to be held accountable.

There is no slave out of heaven like a loving woman; and of all loving women, there is no such slave as a mother.

Karl Marx, a visionary, figured out that you can control a slave much better by convincing him he is an employee.

Fugitive slaves were rare then, and as a fugitive slave lecturer, I had the advantage of being the first one out.

When it comes to being slaves to fashion, American managers make adolescent girls look like rugged individualists.

Having enough money has to go hand in hand with living in a way that you're not being a slave to your possessions.

We call a man a bigot or a slave of dogma because he is a thinker who has thought thoroughly and to a definite end.

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although frequently neither acknowledges the fact to himself.

God Almighty has set before me two great objects: the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.

In this respect, granting homosexuals the right to marry is like granting plantation owners the right to own slaves.

We are runaway slaves from our own past, and only by turning to face the hounds can we find our freedom beyond them.

The invention of the African American, or the Haitian or Jamaican, is a consequence of the transatlantic slave trade.

I do not like to work and have no trade but i do like to eat, so this is basic, the basic training of slaves to fear.

A slave cannot be freed, save he do it himself. Nor can you enslave a free man; the very most you can do is kill him!

Only the disciplined ones in life are free. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your passions.

I'm not a slave to objectivity. I'm never quite sure what it means. And it means different things to different people.

You can be more creative when you're not feeling like a slave. When you're on a record label, they have you like that.

I think the person who takes a job in order to live - that is to say, for the money - has turned himself into a slave.

If thou dost still retain the same ill habits, the same follies, too, still thou art bound to vice, and still a slave.

All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb to my charms! All mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!

People-trafficking is modern day slavery. There are more slaves today than there were at the height of the slave trade.

Since the discovery of printing, knowledge has been called to power, and power has been used to make knowledge a slave.

I am persuaded that the rights of woman, like the rights of slaves, need only be examined to be understood and asserted.

I demanded a realm in which I should be both master and slave at the same time: The world of art is the only such realm.

I despise 'animal welfare.' That's like saying, 'Let's beat the slaves three times a week instead of five times a week'.

Please remember that my great grandmother was a slave. My grandmother was a sharecropper. My mother was a factory worker.

The most imperious masters over their own servants are at the same time the most abject slaves to the servants of others.

No more turning a blind eye to Chinese spies in our nuclear labs. No more keeping silent about Chinese slave labor camps.

Treat [the people] as slaves, guard them against brigands, and they will come to regard themselves as slaves and brigands.

The state is made for man, not man for the state.... That is to say, the state should be our servant and not we its slaves

It's horrifying and absurd to think that there are currently more slaves on earth than at any other time in human history.

I dare not say with Paul that I am the slave of Christ, but my highest aspiration and desire is to be the slave of Christ.

Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.

So much is man the slave of his heart that he will shut his eyes to what does not please him and believe all that he hopes.

Where is the man, who, if asked to become a slave, would not hurl back the offer indignantly in the teeth of the oppressor?

Slavery was regarded by Aristotle as an ordinance of nature, and so probably was it by the slaves themselves in olden time.

The slave trade was globalism. Why people insist that globalism, after its hideous history, is a good thing, I do not know.

A mass of dust, world's momentary slave, Is man, in state of our old Adam made, Soon born to die, soon flourishing to fade.

I was latching on to something that was part of my heritage, because many of the slaves who were brought here were Moslems.

I'm a slave to my dogs and go out with them almost every day. They are poorly behaved if they don't run. They really act up.

You learn to cook so that you don't have to be a slave to recipes. You get what's in season and you know what to do with it.

Theism tells men that they are the slaves of a God. Atheism assures men that they are the investigators and users of nature.

I'm not a slave to the recording industry. I have the freedom to make an album that I want to make and do it the way I want.

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