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During my senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I can't say anything more.
We're doing Circle of Snakes, we open up with Skin Carver and we are throwing in Skull Forest later on.
I stare at him coldly. "I do not care for needlework." I pause. "Unless it involves the base of the skull.
If the book we are reading does not wake us, as with a fist hammering on our skull, why then do we read it?
Everytime I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.
Pop culture is more and more about skulls and skeletons and zombies and vampires, and that's not just on Halloween.
It is at night... that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull.
I got to actually tattoo one of the members of The Misfits. The very first tattoo I ever did was this Misfits skull.
Home is my Bethlehem, my succoring shelter, my mental hospital, my wife, my dam, my husband, my sir, my womb, my skull.
I have a very large forehead. I have a pronounced skull. Maybe producers think that there is a lot going on up in there.
Systematic yoga and vipassana opens the "Dasham Duar" the mystical tenth spiritual gateway located at the top of the skull.
There are things which cannot be taught in ten easy lessons, nor popularized for the masses; they take years of skull sweat.
I fell in love with my wife twenty years ago. I am only now, it seems, getting it through my very thick skull how lucky I am.
I felt, that night, on that stage, under that skull, incredibly close to everything in the universe, but also extremely alone.
I feel occasionally my skull will crack, fatigue is continuous - I only go from less exhausted to more exhausted & back again.
You also notice that the right side of your face feels like it's sliding off of your skull. And your bottom lip is in your lap!
A dark-skinned human with four arms walks toward me across the floor of the club, clad only in a belt strung with human skulls.
I knew the facts of death before I knew the facts of life. There never was a time when I didn't see the skull beneath the skin.
The road to Hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path.
Ever wonder what crime you committed that you are confined to a small enclosure above your sinuses, under permanent skull arrest?
Haven's warm, clammy palms press hard against my cheeks as the tarnished edge of her silver skull ring leaves a smudge on my skin.
Neither an assembly line nor a stock market nor an oil well did it, simply what came from one small skull and that one right hand.
You were one person alive and your brain was encased in a skull. There were other people out there. It took effort to be connected.
I wanted people to believe that there could still be this little undiscovered piece of the world that survives still on Skull Island.
God designs people's emotions so you fall in love with people who, in return, wouldn't even use your hollowed-out skull for a spittoon.
What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?
She needed to get out of there. Her brains, thankfully, were still safely in her skull, but her emotions were splattered on the pavement.
When you die of sorrow it's as if you've broken all the bones in your body, bruised yourself all over, cracked your skull. That's sorrow.
I have told many, yet when I go down that last trail, I know there will be a thousand stories hammering at my skull, demanding to be told.
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, writers will go to stupefying lengths to get the infernal roar of words out of their skulls and onto paper.
The head is what matters. The rest of the body plays the part of antennae making life possible for people and life itself is inside the skull.
Melancholy sees the worst of things, things as they may be, and not as they are. It looks upon a beautiful face, and sees but a grinning skull.
There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won't stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won't go?
The lightning flashes through my skull; mine eyeballs ache and ache; my whole beaten brain seems as beheaded, and rolling on some stunning ground.
Man's skull represents the same infinity for the movement of conceptions. It is equal to the universe, for in it is contained all that sees in it.
My life is like a memento mori painting from European art: there is always a grinning skull at my side to remind me of the folly of human ambition.
You know, many people believe that we archaeologists are just a collection of old fogies digging around in the ruins after old dried up skulls and bones.
The affirmative class monopolize the homage of mankind. They originate and execute all the great feats. What a force was coiled upin the skull of Napoleon!
Death and burial were a public spectacle. Shakespeare may have seen for himself the gravediggers at St Ann's, Soho, playing skittles with skulls and bones.
The nails from a suicide's coffin, and the skull of the parricide, were of course no trouble; for Vesquit never traveled without these household requisites.
A young child's brain has a thinner skull and the brain contains more fluid. The more fluid or fat in any material, the more it absorbs microwave radiation.
When you were straight, evil thoughts and memories came pouring up out of the darkness inside you; buzzing black flies clinging to the insides of your skull.
..when the first rubber ball smacked her in the head and made her brains rattle in her skull, she knew that something about this dodgeball game was different
There was a poor poet named Clough, Whom his friends all united to puff, But the public, though dull, Had not such a skull As belonged to believers in Clough.
When on my return to England I showed the cast of the cranium to Professor Huxley, he remarked at once that it was the most ape-like skull he had ever beheld.
Normally, we are happy to find a fragment of jaw, a few isolated teeth, a bit of an arm, a bit of a skull. But to find associated body parts is extremely rare.
Maybe I am becoming a hermit, opening the door for only a few special animals? Maybe my skull is too crowded and it has no opening through which to feed it soup?
No one is born just once. If you're lucky, you'll emerge again in someone's arms; or unlucky, wake when the long tail of terror brushes the inside of your skull.
I would say that hardware is the bone of the head, the skull. The semiconductor is the brain within the head. The software is the wisdom and data is the knowledge.
When I got heartbroken at 20, it just felt like someone had spiraled a football right into my skull. At 40, it feels like someone had driven a 757 right through me.