V-necks are great because you can get a little fat and you still look kind of good - and I like to get fat sometimes, so it's nice. I like to fluctuate between the world of skinny and fat, so V-necks suit me well.

I never thought I'd run for president. My parents were immigrants to this country - and leader of the free world was not on the list of careers presented to me as a skinny Asian kid growing up in upstate New York.

I definitely have hips, and I'm shorter, so I like to make my legs look longer. I'll wear shorts or pants that elongate my legs. I'm not a tiny, skinny toothpick. I definitely like to show off my waist and my butt.

Starving to be skinny isn't my thing. When I don't eat, it affects my mood! On-set, I fuel up with small meals and I'm always grabbing high-protein snacks, like almonds. Chai lattes with espresso also keep me going.

I've always had a booty even when I was a baby, and when I was in high school and was skinny, I still had the booty. In Hollywood's eyes, the perfect women has to be a stick figure, tall, blonde hair, with big boobs.

You’re in a relationship because you need help, but that's not necessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight. Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished.

A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks, video game geeks, car geeks, military geeks, and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.

When I was skinny, I didn't get work. When I came out of college, I didn't get work until the Iglehart gene kicked in. Most of my family are large and that's when it started happening. My acrobats moves stayed with me.

Yeah, I was expecting most of the comments about my appearance to be about me being fat, because I'm not a skinny girl by any means. But I wasn't expecting there to be that sort of wave of 'Wow - the new Chaser's hot!'

My Nike Free sneakers add a splash of color and slide on fast, perfect for when I'm rushing to catch the school bus. And my favorite cargos are skinny but stretchy, so I can go up or down a few pounds and they still fit!

I am always plagued with 'I'm not skinny enough, I'm not in shape.' I am not naturally this super-svelte kind of girl. I'm okay with that in my personal life. But it is kind of hard at times. I feel inadequate, I suppose?

In Los Angeles there's, like, this awful image because the girls are so skinny. I don't think it's attractive whatsoever, and I also think that it gives a bad image to kids that are in their early teens. It's not healthy.

If you are going out, and if you want women to pick you up, wear skinny jeans. Trust me: women will be looking at your legs and looking at your butt. When I wear skinny jeans, at least one woman will tell me, 'Nice butt.'

I still love the skinny jeans thing and I wear my favorite leather jacket constantly. I like being kind of a rock star. I love that I can feel comfortable in a small dress or I can feel comfortable wearing a baggy T-shirt.

Women I admired growing up - Debra Winger, Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep - were all beautiful and thin, but not too thin. There are a lot of actresses who are unhealthy-skinny - much, much too skinny. You can't Pilates to that.

Whether somebody think badly of me, whether somebody don't feel that I should be doing this or I should be doing that way, I don't really care. Whether they think that my fatigue is being laid, legs are skinny, I don't care.

I didn't look like Rihanna. I was a bit chubby. I had puppy fat. I had a moustache. I didn't want to have lips; I didn't want a bum. I grew out of it, but I feel like everyone went through that phase of wanting to be skinny.

Slow, skinny, and an utter countryside coward: I lived in dread of nettles, spiders, and the very sound of a wasp. As a victim, I was beneath the dignity of the bullies in my year but fair game to the ones in the year below.

I've been a skinny girl my whole life. I just don't sit down - I'm always on the go. It must be down to the genes. We have a healthy body image in my house and great appetites. It'd be hard for you to find a food I don't love.

A lot of women don't like when they're sort of fat, but a fat foot is as beautiful as a skinny foot. Think of Greek statues. Look how many people love the foot of the baby! There is something super-charming about the baby foot.

A lot of the time, if I have samples, I can't tailor a sample. Or, I might have just bought something and I don't have time to go to the tailor, there are ways to take thin, skinny belts and layer them, and do quick little fixes.

I grew up in Shropshire, but I was born in Wales. There was a hospital seven miles away, but my dad drove 45 miles over the Welsh border so I could play rugby for Wales. But as a skinny asthmatic, I was only ever good at swimming.

My mother bought me a brand new suit for going away to college. We were poor, but she wanted me to have that. It was a powder blue suit with peg pants - you know, skinny at the bottom. I think I made quite an impression with that.

When I went to Le Havre, I wasn't physically ready. I was skinny and not strong enough to play in a tough league. They told me to go back to the second team. I was very disappointed, but maybe that helped me to be the way I am now.

I remember being told by my very first photographer that if I lost weight, and I was a skinny model, it would do wonders for my career. My mum got really defensive - 'I don't think we will be doing that, thank you so much, goodbye.'

When I was fifteen, I dreamed of living in the big city, as many a young person does if he is artistic and sensitive. By 'artistic and sensitive' I mean short, skinny, unkissed, bad at sports, and carrying a C average in high school.

My parents always told me I'm beautiful the way that I am, and I never thought to myself that I needed to be skinny because there's a magazine out there that said, 'Oh, size two,' or, 'Oh, this girl's beautiful because she's skinny.'

That's kind of how my jobs have happened over the years. It's been referrals throughout the creature effects/make-up world. The drawings happen, and they see that it's a tall, skinny thing, and they go, 'Let's get Doug Jones for that.'

I've never been a six-foot-tall, skinny model, so therefore, I want to create an illusion. People always think I'm taller than I am - not just because of the shoes I wear but because of the way I dress. It's all relatively streamlined.

Every time I feel like I'm gaining a bit of weight, I'll eat healthily for, like, 3 days. Then I'll be like, 'Oh, I look skinny again.' Then I'll go back to eating bad, but I tell myself it's OK, I'm only 19, so I can do it while I can.

My dance teacher will show me pictures of girls who are rhythmic gymnasts, and they are super skinny. But I don't want to be too skinny. I think that looks a little gross when you are dancing. You don't want to be a scrawny, bony thing.

You're always gonna have your anorexics and you're always gonna have your bulimics. I'm hoping that young girls will look up to the girls that are the size 4, 6, and 8's, and know that super super skinny is not pretty - just ask any guy!

I'm kind of naturally thin, so if I were to completely crash diet, I'd almost be too skinny, and for the VS show, you want to look strong and muscular and fit. Leading up to the show, I eat everything that I normally do, but I moderate it.

The reason most people get eating disorders is because they want to be skinny, but they do it stupidly, and they stop eating completely - nobody knows anything about nutrition or exercise. I think it should be a separate subject in school.

I always wanted to be a teacher or wanted to do something with food. But modeling, I just never thought I could do it myself, really, ever. I still have trouble calling myself a model. I just never thought I was tall enough or skinny enough.

Remember before nineteen seventy two Olympic Games I was total skinny, I was small, very strong, they may be don't like to see a gymnastics like that. I don't know but, gymnastics, might. Nineteen seventy two supposed to be change somewhere.

I've never dieted in my life; I like food too much. I'm just thoughtful about what I eat, and I'm lucky that I love the taste of vegetables. I'm certainly not 'actress skinny,' and I never will be. I'm strong, and my body works great for me.

We were at a beach one summer, and I had a bathing suit on. My wife looked at me and said: 'Boy, you are skinny, aren't you?' I said: 'Honey, I'd like to remind you that it was minor defects like this that kept me from getting a better wife.'

I always loved Evander Holyfield because people think of him as a small heavyweight, but of course from the waist up he was a pretty good-sized guy, but he just had these little skinny legs and no booty and it made him look like he was small.

It's not about how skinny you are or how much money or how many diamonds you have - that's the fluff that people sometimes look at as being the main thing. It's about understanding that the things that make you fabulous are all inside of you.

You have to risk to get ahead The person whos always hugging the tree trunk and never walking out onto the skinny branches will never succeed. Sometimes you have to walk out onto the skinny branches, and that means having goals, taking a risk.

Our society is so obsessed with working out to be skinny, and none of that has a purpose. I love that my daughter sees me running because she knows I have a race and that I want to be faster. It becomes much less of a grind when it's that way.

When modeling agencies were saying that I was too big and gaining weight, my mom said, 'OK, we're going to discuss what they're saying over pizza, and we're going to plan the future of your career which doesn't involve you having to be skinny.'

Style is not a reward for the skinny. It's not, 'iI I'm rich, thin and young.' You may not like your size, but then don't invest in leather leggings. Let yourself want the expensive bag and really love it and show it off and have a ball with it.

I was always the youngest person in class, skinny, scrawny, no good at sports. I asserted myself by being smart. But then I got to college and started to get C's and D's. That was fantastic. I no longer had to be the smartest person in the room.

I'm an actress, I live in L.A., I work in Hollywood. But I've learned that if you're too skinny, they'll say something about it. If you're not skinny enough, they'll say something about it. I just try to feel good in my own skin as much as I can.

People don't mind insulting the tall. We're supposed to be fine with being awkward and skinny. I'm very easy to psychoanalyse. I was a gangly, awkward teenager who could make people laugh and thought that was a way to be socially more comfortable.

We secretly believe that if only we achieve some elusive goal - fitting into a pair of skinny jeans, or redoing our kitchen or getting that promotion - that it will make us happy. But the pain of our insecurity is hidden in all that racing around.

After the baby, I got bigger, and I like it. I like me better now than when I was young and skinny. I don't understand this extreme fashion for being anorexic-skinny. We forgot about women with curves - real women. We're not embracing that anymore.

As a kid we moved around a fair bit as a family. It was difficult to make friends but sport helped. Once people saw you kick a football it broke down barriers. Instead of being the new skinny black kid you were the kid everyone wanted on their team.

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