When I see someone who is starved, they don't look alert. They don't have boundless energy. If you're too skinny, it looks like you're near death.

I mean, everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16, and I was that way, too.

Oh, I am such a little piggy. Everyone is always mad at me because I eat so much. They're like, 'How are you so skinny?' I eat more than my husband!

I got the nickname T-Rex when I was 11 years old. Back when I was younger, I was very skinny and I had short arms, but I used to always be swinging.

My essentials are skinny jeans, loose-fitting tees, big jumpers, and the leather jacket. Everything is black or blue - I don't own anything colorful.

I had been playing with my local band, Skinny Cat. I had been to quite a few auditions before UFO, managed to get the gig and then not want to do it!

I've always been a fan of a good skinny jean, which William Rast does so well. I can dress them up or down, and they feel good throughout a long day.

It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys.

I definitely think things are changing... I thought I would never be cast on network TV in America and here I am, cast on network TV - and not skinny!

I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was. Nothing feels as good as skinny feels.

When you look at women and what's sexy right now, I feel like we're finally back to a curvaceous healthy body rather than just skinny with fake boobs.

I think the labels 'Plus Size' and 'Curvy' should be banned. You don't say 'White model' or Skinny model.' Why should 'Plus Size' models have a label.

Sports nurtures dreams of achieving self confidence and masculine striving for the skinny kid watching a boxer dance around the ring with sublime ease.

I did play two years of high school football and was very short and uncoordinated but the second year I was very tall and skinny and very uncoordinated.

I want to do a jean line for boys and girls that are sometimes too skinny to fit into jeans, or sometimes a little bit too husky to fit into some jeans.

In baseball, it doesn't matter if you're tall, skinny, fat, whatever. If you really have talent and you really love to play, I feel like you can make it.

Everyone around me was super-cool and laid back and skinny and tan and volleyball-y, and I was just this neurotic kid who was singing 'Annie Get Your Gun.'

It's not good to put in a magazine what I weigh because it's too little. People freak out when they hear what I weigh. They think, 'Oh, you're too skinny.'

Since I was a kid, I've always been skinny and frail framed. I felt powerless as a child, but I always saw so much power in femininity and female sexuality.

When you have a beanpole body, everything looks cute. Like Alexa Chung. I like her style, but she's really tall and skinny, so everything looks good on her.

I'm not skinny for the wrong reasons. It's not because I'm bulimic or anorexic or doing drugs. Compared to a lot of actresses my age, I'm actually overweight.

People say I'm too skinny, but if I gain a little weight, they say I look chubby. You can't please everyone. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

What no woman or man needs is anyone telling them they are 'too fat' or 'too skinny.' That just adds to the many stereotypes out there about a person's weight.

Even now I don't consider myself skinny, but I have put a lot of hard work into my body over the years, and in the process, I've really learned to love myself.

If you're soft and fuzzy, like our little characters, you become the skinny kid on the beach, and people in this business don't mind kicking sand in your face.

I'd want to have Gisele Bundchen's body. Even though she's tall and skinny, she does have curves... and I think that's hot. Halle Berry also is kind of amazing.

I'm not nearly as big as I was, but I attribute that to eating healthy. I'm just not a skinny girl, and I just want to give more opportunities to people like me.

I am actually 7 foot and and one-half inches tall. I say Seven two because it's easier. Unlike some tall skinny guys I am really 'big' weighing around 350 pounds.

Up until the age of 30 I could eat whatever I wanted - I mean, literally, I never put on a pound; if anything, I was criticised in the media for being too skinny.

We are skinny; this is our work. There are lots of overweight people working in offices, but I'm not going to say, 'This girl is fat; she can't work in an office.'

I made a lot of friends over the years and I would always look at what they were eating. All of them were skinny. I would think that I would like to eat like that.

If I run I lose so much weight, which I need because you're limited on weight when you are a tall driver. And have you seen marathon runners? They're quite skinny.

I don't see myself as beautiful, because I can see a lot of flaws. People have really odd opinions. They tell me I'm skinny, as if that's supposed to make me happy.

Some people are born skinny, and that's just the way it is. You can't point a finger at them and say they're ill or anorexic. It isn't fair to people born that way.

Just because people are calling you skinny doesn't mean I'm like, 'Yay!' No! You're telling me I don't look right. This is me, this is my body - I have accepted it.

I know I don't look like the skinny slender model. I know I look a little different but people like to watch me for some reason. It feels good and I'm humbled by it.

There's a science to ordering potatoes. Are they skinny shoestring or big, fat steak fries? You just have to let your taste buds guide you when deciding what to eat.

I was so skinny, they gave me the nickname stechetto - the stick. I was tall, thin, ugly and dark like an Arab girl. I looked strange. All eyes. No flesh on my bones.

I don't want to be wondering about how skinny I am, wondering what I'm going to eat because I don't want to gain and I want to look hot and young, always and forever.

I do weight training and follow strict diet. It is very important to look a certain way. I don't think being extra skinny and thin is desirable, but you have to be fit.

I was always superthin, too skinny, actually. I felt like someone could break me in half. I realize now that being a bit more curvy and toned is so much more beautiful.

Every woman should absolutely own at least one staple skinny jean that is a) a dark wash denim and b) at least 2 percent spandex to have that everyday comfortable wear.

When I was 18 I went to Australia for work and I remember an agent telling me I was too fat. I wasn't fat, or heavy - or even skinny, I was just normal with a round face.

Honestly, Korean beauty standards are harsh. People are even putting pressure on non-celebrities to be super skinny, and the standards of thinness are just getting worse.

I worked really hard, and I surpassed myself... I didn't have, visually, what it took. I was not pretty, I had teeth problems, and I was very skinny. I didn't fit the mold.

I'm very genetically blessed; I cannot deny it, but I work hard at keeping myself together. Yes, I have nice cheekbones and skinny legs, but I can't take any credit for it.

I love a mix of kickboxing, gym, yoga, Pilates, horse riding, and dancing. I also do skinny rappelling, which is a quick cardio workout with music and lighting, so it's fun.

All my life people have made fun of me because I was so skinny. They kind of made me feel bad about it sometimes. I worried that maybe people will think I am really anorexic.

I'll fly Away took place in the 50's and 60's in America's South, and there are a couple of scenes where me and my friends are supposed to be skinny dipping with these girls.

I was in Starbucks and the person in front of me said: 'Can I have a tall, skinny, black Americano please?' I said: 'Are you ordering coffee or voting in the U.S. elections?'

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