Patience was not something that came naturally to me, but in cooking it is the quintessential skill.
IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.
It isn't often that a writer of superlative skills knows enough about flying to write well about it.
But you do have to start young as a dancer if you're going to achieve the physical skills necessary.
Graffiti art brings you back to your human skills - your spirit and what your being is really about.
It's very easy to be cynical about any kind of interference in things that are beyond our skill set.
[First line] “The business of murder took time, patience, skill, and a tolerance for the monotonous.
Why do we make so much of knowledge, struggle so hard to get some little skill not worth the effort?
The poor need the motivation, the incentives, the skills, the education so they can help themselves.