There's a trick to being whatever you want to be in life. It starts with the simple belief that you are what or who you say you are.

Simple messages travel faster, simpler designs reach the market faster and the elimination of clutter allows faster decision making.

I attribute my good fortune to the simple fact that I have always tried to write straight from my own heart to the hearts of others.

And so my militant philosophy is this: to make with a brush on canvas is a simple direct delight-to make with the movie is the same.

Ronald Reagan had many fine qualities and he had many shortcomings. He's not the simple, folksy figure that he's often portrayed as.

We live in a society either scarred by scarcity or spoiled by luxury. We have no idea how much is enough. We don't know when to quit.

It's a simple fact: no individual can be good at everything. Everyone needs people around them who have complimentary sets of skills.

Gold is now money with reference to all other commodities only because it was previously, with reference to them, a simple commodity.

My image is jeans. An oversize sweat shirt. T-shirt. A pair of boots or sneakers. Very simple. And that's what I feel comfortable in.

Where the real world changes into simple images, the simple images become real beings and effective motivations of hypnotic behavior.

The awesome part about The Book of Awesome is the realization that if you enjoy the simple moments in your life, you will be happier.

That wonderful book, while it obtains admiration from the most fastidious critics, is loved by those who are too simple to admire it.

The basic structure of proteins is quite simple: they are formed by hooking together in a chain discrete subunits called amino acids.

The question was which spell did I make? Which did I have time to make? The answer was eerily simple. I had time to make all of them.

Sometimes you're sure dogs have some secret, superior intelligence, and other times you know they're only their simple, goofy selves.

Ye marshes, how candid and simple and nothing-withholding and free, Ye publish yourselves to the sky and offer yourselves to the sea.

If you lead a simple life, and that story is written, then that story will not satisfy. It needs an angle. Suppose there is no angle?

I love melodrama. I love the simple fact. When you read Euripides he's a page turner. It's like reading a Mexican comic book romance.

When I say, 'I love Christ and love the teachings of Christ,' I mean that in the most simple and naive way. I'm not saying I'm right.

We in science are spoiled by the success of mathematics. Mathematics is the study of problems so simple that they have good solutions

We Japanese enjoy the small pleasures, not extravagance. I believe a man should have a simple lifestyle - even if he can afford more.

Any time you see signs or labels added to a device, it is an indication of bad design: a simple lock should not require instructions.

If one considered life as a simple loan, one would perhaps be less exacting. We possess actually nothing; everything goes through us.

As the grace grows nearer my theology is growing strangely simple, and it begins and ends with Christ as the only Savior of the lost.

I have the bigger iPad, but the Mini is the best. It just seems perfect. The old one seems so big and heavy. I like simple and clean.

Evil is simple and empty. Evil has no mysterious depths. We stare into a dark hole and fill it with our fears, but it is only a hole.

I eat only vegetables and fruit, and to me it's the most aspirational diet because it's so easy. It's quite simple, the cooking I do.

The simple act of smiling at people makes the world a better place. Unless it's the day you decide to walk around with your dong out.

No failure in America, whether of love or money, is ever simple; it is always a kind of betrayal, of a mass of shadowy, shared hopes.

It is precisely for the reason that Truth is utterly simple, basic, elementary and totally obvious, that it is completely overlooked.

Volleyball rules are simple. If it is on the floor, pick it up and get it into the air. If it is in the air, keep it off the floor. —

We in science are spoiled by the success of mathematics. Mathematics is the study of problems so simple that they have good solutions.

Weak, feeble and foolish as it may seem to people, the simple story of the Cross is enough for all mankind in every part of the globe.

Somewhere near you, somebody right now is trying to help the indigent and poor - providing food, shelter, clothing or simple kindness.

When a device as simple as a door has to come with an instruction manual—even a one-word manual—then it is a failure, poorly designed.

The children to whom we read simple stories may or may not show gratitude, but each boon we give strengthens the pillars of the world.

My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices. It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently

It's so simple: Right to marriage is a civil right, which like all civil rights should not depend on what state you happen to live in.

I think sometimes that people are like onions. On the outside smooth and whole and simple but inside ring upon ring, complex and deep.

To me, the print business model is so simple, where readers pay a dollar for all the content within, and that supports the enterprise.

[A mathematician is a] scientist who can figure out anything except such simple things as squaring the circle and trisecting an angle.

I think kindness is a sort of gateway virtue - having that simple aspiration can get you into deep water very quickly - in a good way.

There is simple ignorance, which is the source of lighter offenses, and double ignorance, which is accompanied by a conceit of wisdom.

I try to be as clear and simple as I can be in my illustrations so that the child can tell what is going on and what the emotions are.

The only thing I shy away from is non-consensual violence. I can't write a story where someone is a simple victim because it's boring.

In Shakespeare, keep it simple. Don't over-inflect. The speech needs to be naturalistic and simple and accessible as much as possible.

What needs to be grasped is that the system itself is the cause of all of the misery in the world. This is a simple but powerful idea.

I take simple everyday things that happen to me and I figure it happens to a lot of other people and I make simple rhymes out of them.

There is a simple maxim that I use to express this situation, 'when tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to cultural suicide.'

Friendship is not so simple. It is hard to get and takes a long time, but when one ha it one cannot get rid of it, one has to face it.

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