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We served Twinkies and Sno Balls at our wedding. We put them on silver trays so they looked elegant - but they were the real deal!
I can't live without my silver Marc Jacobs boots! They are a little bit cowboy, a little bit space alien. They go with everything.
The importation of gold and silver is not the principal, much less the sole benefit which a nation derives from its foreign trade.
I had a good chance when I went to Beijing and the guy who beat me, I'd beaten him three weeks before and he went on to win silver.
I was born with a silver microphone in my mouth, and that was an advantage. My father wrote books and was also a great broadcaster.
I bought my wife Leighanne a silver BMW Z8 sports car one Christmas and tied it up with a big red bow in the driveway of our house.
If you have faith in our leaders of commerce, don't buy gold. If you do not have faith in them, maybe you should buy gold or silver.
So the days pass, and I ask myself whether one is not hypnotized, as a child by a silver globe, by life, and whether this is living.
I don't believe in nirvana. If nirvana was handed to us on a silver platter, this would be the first day of our struggle to keep it.
Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing that a mine is near.
I think anybody who is interested in keeping their money safe from the criminal banking system would want gold, silver, and Bitcoin.
To me, Satyajit Ray is just Manik da. Our relationship dates back to 1958, when he introduced me to the silver screen. I was just 13.
One thing I liked about 'Silver Bell' is that I barely knew how to play in the tuning I was writing in, and I just went for it anyway.
Whatever I want to do or say, I get to do it on the silver screen, so in normal life I don't feel the necessity to do or say anything.
Not that I went into the Olympics with any doubt, but my holiday plans afterwards depended on how well I did - bronze, silver or gold.
One thing you can say about nuclear power: the people who believe it is the silver bullet for America's energy problems never give up.
I 'd rather be handsome than homely; I 'd rather be youthful than old; If I can't have a bushel of silver I'll do with a barrel of gold.
To sell oneself for thirty pieces of silver is an honest transaction; but to sell oneself to one s own conscience is to abandon mankind.
For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
I won a silver medal. But really, I ended up running the fastest race of my life to become part of something that transcended the Games.
Dramas are incredibly compelling. I feel like 'Silver Linings Playbook' is a drama, but because it's funny, people market it as a comedy.
Yeah, Silver and his math are jokes, because math has a liberal bias. After all, math is the reason Mitt Romney's tax plan doesn't add up.
We're leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldn't get better jobs in the first place.
Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. Whoever came up with that phrase I wanted his greasy head on a silver platt
I feel cheesy when I see 'Silver Spoons.' Some of it was funny, but some of it was just cheese! My kids love it, but I look at it and cringe.
I've got an image of me at the bottom of my garden sitting under my silver birch tree reading, while everyone else had gone somewhere exotic.
To be born in Wales, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but, with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul, is a privilege indeed.
I am professional, won a Champions League, silver at the World Cup, I achieved big things in football and don't deserve to go anywhere on loan.
Everybody is not born with a silver spoon in their mouth. There are only a very small percentage of those types of people, you know what I mean?
After our life history was shown on the silver screen and much appreciated by the audiences, I have more of a responsibility on my shoulders now.
It's always great to perform, make the podium, and yeah, gold, silver, and bronze, will also encourage other nations, Asia, America to do better.
When dressing a table take out your old pieces of silver, hand-me-down linens and old candelabras, it will make your meal that much more special.
No tablecloths, silver cutlery, fine porcelain, sommeliers, or deep wine lists - that's fine. But no service or hospitality? That's going too far.
Ending educational inequality is going to require systemic change and a long-term, sustained effort. There are no shortcuts and no silver bullets.
It was a true honor to have represented my country at my first Paralympic Winter Games and proud to bring home gold and silver medals for the U.S.
I am obsessed with silver jewellery, so I visited the Johri Bazar, which is famous for it and bought a lot of silver rings, earrings and pendants.
Why not collect and clean chicken wishbones in the run-up to Christmas, spray them silver and use each to pinch together a white hem-stitch napkin?
Since I have already connected with fans on TV, I don't fear losing out on my movie fans, even if I am away from the silver screen for a long time.
Day-to-day I normally wear concealer and bronzer. For occasions, lots of eye make-up, a strong mascara and a smoky or glittery eye in gold or silver.
My favourite places on earth are the wild waterways where the forest opens its arms and a silver curve of river folds the traveller into its embrace.
When I was a kid in the '60s, I went shopping in downtown Silver Spring. Hecht's, JCPenney, the little retailers - they sponsored all my sports teams.
My mother is going to get earrings of my head. Some will be dipped in silver, some will be dipped in gold, and I will hand them out to everyone I know.
Her godmother simply touched her with her wand, and, at the same moment, her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, all decked with jewels.
The aristocracy of Western Europe has absolutely tabooed silver in those countries and driven it away from there. Here it finds its only resting place.
I'd be the biggest hypocrite if I said I really worked very hard for my career, because it was given to me on a silver platter. I can't take any credit.
I have always loved animals, and as a child, I read a lot of horse books. I had a particular favorite called 'Silver Snaffles' that my mother gave away.
A U.S. dollar is an IOU from the Federal Reserve Bank. It's a promissory note that doesn't actually promise anything. It's not backed by gold or silver.
From 1994 to 1996, I turned over every rock in Little Rock, looking for a silver bullet that would take down the Clintons in time for the 1996 election.
Gold and silver are but merchandise, as well as cloth or linen; and that nation that buys the least, and sells the most, must always have the most money.
I commissioned this artist to make these silver tomahawks by hand. Larry Sellers, who plays Cloud Dancing on the show, blessed and cleansed them and all.