Enjoying art is a personal matter. It's made up by contemplation, silence, abstraction.

Into the void of silence, into the empty space of nothing, the joy of life is unfurled.

I must be dead for there is nothing but blue snow and the furious silence of a gunshot.

Silence can ask all the questions, where the tongue is prone to ask only the wrong one.

Harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge.

When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.

I have been breaking silence these twenty-three years and have hardly made a rent in it.

There is nothing wherein their womanliness is more honestly garnished than with silence.

A painter's got a canvas. The writer's got reams of empty paper. A musician has silence.

Sing to me in the silence of your heart and I will rise up to hear your triumphant song.

It is not a new tactic for people to use any avenue they can to silence black activists.

Such a deep silence surrounds me, that I think I hear moonbeams striking on the windows.

The music aids the message, it's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence

It is not often given in a noisy world to come to the places of great grief and silence.

Within the silence, expansion, and sustained day by day concentration, I grow permeable.

You have a grand gift for silence, Watson. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion.

Listen to God's speech in his wondrous, terrible, gentle, loving, all-embracing silence.

Whoever is not prepared to talk about capitalism should also remain silent about fascism.

I always believed that my silence on several topics will be an advantage in the long run.

The only crime equaling inhumanity is the crime of indifference, silence, and forgetting.

I never authorized any payments for someone to be silent. I did not buy anyone's silence.

Silence - Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

Silence and simplicity obtrude on no one, but are yet two unequaled attractions in woman.

Silence ought also to be the core of each concert. Remember the anagram: listen = silent.

Nothing builds authority up like silence, splendor of the strong and shelter of the weak.

It's very important in life to know when to shut up. You should not be afraid of silence.

Silence has many advantages…I write and draw in my notebook and I read anything I please.

Today don't beg, don't ask, just thank God in silence for all the blessings in your life.

You are like night, calmed, constellated. Your silence is star-like, as distant, as true.

We should be sensitive to the thread of silence from which the tissue of speech is woven.

Silence often expresses 'more powerfully than speech the verdict and judgment of society.

You haven't partied until you've partied at dawn in complete silence with Buddhist monks.

Now close the windows and hush all the fields: If the trees must, let them silently toss.

The music aids the message, it's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence.

I have a big problem with piped music. I like either silence or to listen to it properly.

Spend as much time as you can in silence. Look at the way the sun paints the ground gold.

There is nothing quite as loud as the silence of an audience when a comedian is on stage.

Silence is the perfectest herault of joy. I were but little happy if I could say how much.

The nurse knew that those who really love, love in silence, with deeds and not with words.

The snow did not even whisper its way to earth, but seemed to salt the night with silence.

Then there was a silence he had never before experienced: in it, you could hear the years.

But my silence is real. If I hid it from you, you would find it again a little farther on.

I always had the deepest affection for people who carried sublime tears in their silences.

Silence is a way of saying: we do not have to entertain each other; we are okay as we are.

and the two of them loved each other for a long time in silence without making love again.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

The silence drew off, baring the pebbles and shells and all the tatty wreckage of my life.

To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present.

Three silences there are: the first of speech, the second of desire, the third of thought.

Do you not then hear this horrible scream all around you that people usually call silence.

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