Silence is a still noise.

Silence is a great peacemaker.

Silence is often advantageous.

Silence is like a flame, you see?

Silence is the garden of thought.

Silence is an ornament for women.

Silence is a text easy to misread.

Silence is the unbearable repartee.

But silence is where victims dwell.

Silence is true wisdom's best reply.

Silence is the maturation of wisdom.

Silence is the best reply to a fool.

Silence is refreshment for the soul.

Silence is more eloquent than words.

Silence is often the best thing to say.

Silence is the cornerstone of character.

Speech is great, but silence is greater.

Silence is a protective coating over pain.

Silence is Wisdom where Speaking is Folly.

To restore silence is the role of objects.

silence is the most intolerable of answers.

Only silence is great; all else is weakness.

Silence is of the gods; only monkeys chatter.

Woman, to women silence is the best ornament.

Go to where the silence is and say something.

Silence is a place of great power and healing.

Silence is deeply important in all of our lives.

Silence is the essential condition of happiness.

Who are you in the silence between your thoughts?

Silence is the pause in me when I am near to God.

Silence is worse when you know it won't be broken.

Silence is the potential from which music can arise.

Silence was his escape, but silence is rarely a refuge.

Where silence is not allowed, what then is permissible?

Silence is so steadfast, you know. It is so ample, after all.

Speech is better than silence; silence is better than speech.

Silence is difficult and arduous, it is not to be played with.

What shall I say to you? What can I say Better than silence is?

Notes don't make music until you learn to insert silence between them.

A judicious silence is always better than truth spoken without charity.

You hesitate to stab me with a word, and know not - silence is the sharper sword.

The silence before the words were spoken, is it different from the silence that came after?

Sometimes silence is the most effective tool to make impact, and sometimes loud and big is the trick.

See for me, it’s immediate. Silence is so freaking loud.' This seemed either deep or deeply oxymoronic. I wasn’t sure which.

Silence is letting what there is be what it is. In that sense it has to do profoundly with God: the silence of simply being. We experience that at times when there is nothing we can say or do that would not intrude on the integrity and the beauty of that being.

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