It's very hard for me to think about my songs and attribute some significance to them.

The significance of a man is not in what he attains, but rather what he longs to attain.

I believe every era has its significance and the same holds true for players and coaches.

What other significance can our existence have than to be ourselves fully and completely?

THE autumn of 1850 brought an event freighted with deep significance to me. My mother died.

Your significance is not in your similarity to another - it is in your point of difference.

Jesus is the only significance. Beside Jesus nothing has any significance. He alone matters.

In a few wretched buildings, we created a whole new industry with international significance.

And of course, identifying all human genes and proteins will have great medical significance.

What a profound significance small things assume when the woman we love conceals them from us.

I want to bring forth the historical significance of Sreerampur and turn it into a tourism hub.

A frivolous society can acquire dramatic significance only through what its frivolity destroys.

Your feelings come from where you find your hope. Where is your happiness and your significance?

Everything you do has certain significance, a certain weight. I think there is a film in everyone.

Apparently, as a kid, I used to eat spiders. Maybe there's some Freudian significance behind that.

I want to do things of significance, things that will inspire people to know how good life can be.

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.

For years, the NFL was the one league apparently immune from ratings downturns of any significance.

Architecture depends on facts, but its real field of activity lies in the realm of the significance.

No time to spare: the expression assumed its full significance, as so many expressions do in wartime.

I felt like a typical kid growing up, and Lawnside is a nice town with a huge historical significance.

Kierkegaard, Marx, and Nietzsche are for us like guideposts to a past which has lost its significance.

A word is nothing unless it has values and an atmosphere, unless you grasp its historical significance.

The great generalities of the constitution have a content and a significance that vary from age to age.

It has been very good here, but the World Cup game was different. It had a different significance to it.

Establishing the two Eids as official holidays will carry important practical and symbolic significance.

You have to see your unimportance before you can see your importance and your significance to the world.

To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.

Just as we could have rode into the sunset, along came the Internet, and it tripled the significance of the PC.

It's rare that you get to be a part of something that, hopefully, has some significance socially or historically.

Scales always lie. They don't make a scale that ever told the truth about value, about worth, about significance.

As actors, we are selfish. When listening to a story, we think of the significance of our character in that story.

Smithson was someone of tremendous significance whose work was not beautiful at all. I think he was an iconoclast.

There is no significance of God in my life, God is my life. I would not be, without God. I am supposed to be dead.

Large conventional power plants will continue to be built, but their significance for energy supply is diminishing.

If I choose to write about sheep, it's just because I happened to write about sheep. There is no deep significance.

The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.

I remember visits to the local libraries and getting my own library cards as things of rite-of-passage significance.

Understand there is a price to be paid for achieving anything of significance. You must be willing to pay the price.

The significance of the law of love is precisely that it is not just another law, but a law which transcends all law.

In short, realism reveals. Where we thought nothing worthy of notice, it shows everything to be rife with significance.

This very concept of police assault is a colonialist notion and it holds no significance in a modern, democratic society.

I grew up in very rural Ireland. The Internet was kind of a connection to the greater world. It had a lot of significance.

Any important disease whose causality is murky, and for which treatment is ineffectual, tends to be awash in significance.

The cost to Tata of purchasing Land Rover and Jaguar may have been small, but its wider symbolic significance is enormous.

To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication.

A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence.

Sanitation and cleanliness are among the humblest of the civic virtues, and it is easy to underestimate their significance.

Words contract a significance which clings to them long after the condition of things to which they owe it has passed away.

There is always great significance playing against India, and it is always special and a treat for people in both countries.

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