As before, there is a great silence, with no end in sight. The writer surrenders, listening.

I try to not read about myself. I think it's easier to have it out of sight and out of mind.

Love is in the air everywhere I look around. Love is in the air every sight and every sound.

I don't like when a song goes from one mood to another unless it's going to be out of sight.

I was losing sight of the wolf ahead of me; the one inside me seemed closer all of a sudden.

I’ve always considered it a great privilege to be a musician, I’ve never lost sight of that.

Whenever you're feeling down..And I am not around let the sight of me be the reason you smile

I set my sights upon becoming the kind of artist who would make a contribution to art history

We can never have enough of nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor.

It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.

There is no sadder sight in the world than to see a beautiful theory killed by a brutal fact.

If you lose sight of the smaller accomplishments , you end up with an imbalance in your life.

It's important, when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey.

For since mine eyes your joyous sight did miss, my cheerful day is turned to cheerless night.

The problem is that agencies sometimes lose sight of common sense as they create regulations.

Never be so focused on what you're looking for that you overlook the thing you actually find.

The sight of the bare katana inspires everyone to a practically Nipponese level of politeness

If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.

The mysteries that cups of flowers infold And all the gorgeous sights which fairies do behold.

This is something I love to do. I've never had any other job. I love singing and entertaining.

A lot of celebrities are afraid of being out of sight, out of mind. I'm the complete opposite.

Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.

The best part is that I'm still here and, because the end is in sight, I treasure it all more.

I have always been intrigued with singing and I actually started my career in musical comedies.

I love voting day. I love the sight of my fellow citizens lining up to make their voices heard.

In the rush for justice it is important not to lose sight of principles the country holds dear.

They were singing in French, but the melody was freedom and any American could understand that.

I think sometimes an artist can really lose sight of what made them popular in the first place.

It's always hard to be away and relocate. When you relocate for a film, there's an end in sight.

One thought of thee puts all the pomp to flight; Priests, tapers, temples, swim before my sight.

There is no doubt: the study of man is just beginning, at the same time that his end is in sight

Adam invented love at first sight, one of the greatest labor-saving machines the world ever saw.

somewhere within sight of the tree of poetry that is eternity wearing the green leaves of time .

I don't think we should speak so much. What if we were singing a song? We split, whilst singing.

Love sees clearly, and seeing, loves on. But infatuation is blind; when it gains sight, it dies.

I will sit in the pupil of your eyes and that will carry your sight into the heart of the things

The pressure of survival in the big city will make you lose sight of your dream … Hang in there.

Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows.

Pregnancy is uncomfortable and draining, and the end isn't in sight until it becomes unbearable.

One of the marvels of the world: The sight of a soul sitting in prison with the key in its hand.

Most people enjoy the sight of their own handwriting as they enjoy the smell of their own farts.

The pressure of survival in the big city will make you lose sight of your dream... Hang in there.

Young people are growing in plain sight, there is no place for them to hide, no cocoon. It’s hard

I give a damn if any fan recalls my legacy, I'm trying to live life in the sight of GOD's memory.

The rush of a herd of bellowing yaks at a wild gallop, waving their huge tails, is a grand sight.

I grew up in a community that was bilingual. I've done it for a while, singing in both languages.

There is no doubt: the study of man is just beginning, at the same time that his end is in sight.

She had rarely been near Henry since then, and the sight of him now was like a concentrated dose.

Love has the faculty of making two lovers seem naked, not in each other's sight, but in their own.

When the amount of change externally exceeds the amount of change internally, the end is in sight.

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