More grievous than tears is the sight of them.

Sight is subjective. We learned that in class.

There's nothing as dear as the sight of ruins.

Reality, as usual, beats fiction out of sight.

With me, I would never lose my sight of music.

The necessary condition for an image is sight.

A blaze first pleases and then tires the sight.

For me and my wife, it was love at first sight.

There are few sights sadder than a ruined book.

Priests, altars, victims, swam before my sight.

I'm not walking by sight- I'm, walking by faith

One of the greatest enemies to vision is sight!

While sight may deceive you, touch rarely does.

I believe in love at first sight and hindsight.

My legs are ice skaters' legs. No tan in sight.

I hate the sight of blood, but it's in my veins.

Wolves and those who see them are shot on sight.

I really liked the Mariachi singing in Westerns.

Every man is a bachelor out of his wife's sight!

There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.

Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.

A horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

I like being in new places and seeing new sights.

Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul.

It was love at first sight being in the newsroom.

I’m stopped by the sight of Finnick kissing Peeta.

A sight of the label is worth 50 years experience.

Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit.

The greatest talents often lie buried out of sight.

Baby, everything is alright, uptight, out of sight.

As sight is in the eye, so is the mind in the soul!

Thinking is a sacred disease and sight is deceptive.

Truth will come to sight; murder cannot be hid long.

No eyes that have seen beauty ever lose their sight.

That is the most frightening sight I have ever seen.

Whose heart the accustom'd sight of death makes hard.

Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful.

There is no sight so ugly as the human face in anger.

Satan has his sights on the United States of America.

He that lives by the sight of the eye may grow blind.

Out last chance is a cat's magic sight. We are doomed.

Venice astonishes more than it pleases at first sight.

Your goal should be out of reach but not out of sight.

This sight... is by far the noblest astronomy affords.

I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun.

When we do fantasy, we must not lose sight of reality.

People lose sight that the counties run the elections.

Failure is where success likes to hide in plain sight.

Beauty is a question of optics. All sight is illusion.

Genius seems to consistent merely in trueness of sight.

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