When you are on the management side, you still have to understand the artistic sensibility so that there is a dialogue with the creative side.

We need to really use the full force of diplomacy. And we need to be seen and understood to be on the side of diplomacy and international law.

I'm feelin' electric tonight Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99 Got my bad baby by my heavenly side I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight

I appreciate that my fans think I'm classically good-looking and that I have a clean-cut image, but I also want to show other sides of myself.

Wild!" Ron said, twiddling the replay knob on the side. "I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again... and again... and again...

Do what is right, and you'll have no lasting regrets. Do what is right, and put yourself on the side of truth, goodness, and the best of life.

Some of the signs [of anti-Semitism] you'll see are not put up by the people that love or like Donald Trump. They are put up by the other side.

She knew more about these situations than she realized, he thought. She'd spent years at Duncan's side. "When in doubt," he added, "be pompous.

England was full of words I'd never heard before - streaky bacon, short back and sides, Belisha beacon, serviettes, high tea, ice-cream cornet.

It's almost impossible to have a constructive conversation about health-care reform in Arkansas without passions rising and folks taking sides.

Just call me a family man and an actor who digs his whole scene, side interests and all. Just say I feel mighty good at the ripe old age of 27.

Manhattan's probably one of the bluest parts in the country, and Indiana's definitely one of the redder states. I have sympathy for both sides.

You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the road side until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence.

I think I can come in the game, bring a lot of energy on both sides of the ball. Just try to play my part and do anything to help the team win.

I'm convinced that no one can amount to a damn in the arts if he becomes sweetly reasonable, seeing all sides of a picture, forgiving all sins.

Each successive Labour Government has been the most rapacious, doctrinaire and unpatriotic conspiracy to be seen this side of the Iron Curtain.

It's one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.

Though I have many words, What woman's satisfied, I am no longer faint Because at her side? O who could have foretold That the heart grows old?

We never get to the bottom of ourselves on our own. We discover who we are face to face and side by side with others in work, love and learning.

There's always a down side with any freedom. It's not just homosexual freedom, but any sexual freedom comes at a price, and that is usually art.

To reform means to shatter one form and to create another; but the two sides of this act are not always equally intended nor equally successful.

When you're looking for a sketchbook, you've got to find the right paper for the pens you like to use. I like to draw on both sides of the page.

When the ship is sinking and you're forced to choose sides, the new solution is to jump from island to island to island. You don't have to pick.

The tragic side of many architectural enterprises is that they destroy natural beauties which are a priceless possession and cannot be replaced.

I'm honored to be at the side of Michele Bachmann. She is a great congresswoman. She is a great human being, and she is a true American patriot.

The other side is beyond knowing. You cannot know what you experience on the other side, here. Wisdom is beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.

It would seem that by our sorrows only are we called to a knowledge of the Infinite. Are we happy? The limits of life constrain us on all sides.

It doesn't do any good to just be on the side of black people. The funnier comedic position is to be on the side of oppressed people in general.

It just makes it even harder for people to even approach the (open source) side, when they then end up having to worry about public humiliation.

There is no 'stop' - there's always 'go' on both sides: always keep writing, always keep recording. I don't find them to be segmented processes.

Of course things you don't know about are always nicer'n things you do, same as the pertater on 'tother side of the plate is always the biggest.

It's actually amazing because you go so far into another side of your brain when you're studying something completely different, and I loved it.

Women have a very good sense for seeing instantly what constitutes a good man. Not physically. The physical strength is only a small side of it.

Manila is a city of extremes. The poor are very poor and the rich very rich. A constant reminder to the rich that there is another side to life.

Every piece of legislation which came to my desk in the coming years as the governor, I came down on the side of preserving the sanctity of life.

I dislike a great deal of contemporary poetry - all of the past you read is usually quite great - but it is a useful thorn to have in one's side.

To take sides with life and experience how we can transcend ourselves is a process that has many names and faces. Religion is one of those names.

I think everybody understood what happened, why this consent decree came about after the Freddie Gray situation. There was tension on both sides.

[Eva Braun] would much rather have been at [Adolf ] Hitler's side. All those excursions were to fill up her time while waiting for him to return.

In the past I've been hard on the vegans. I've called them Prius-driving fascists, but now I am one of them. I have been turned to the dark side.

That's what I am standing up for - Israel's future as a Jewish and democratic state living side-by-side in peace and security with its neighbors.

The promoter of an event can't take sides. He can't give better conditions to one fighter over the other. Everyone has to be treated with quality.

If you weren't driving, I'd kiss you senseless," I tell him. He swerves to the side of the road and stops the car abruptly. "Not driving any more.

It is time that all Americans realized that the place of labor is side by side with the businessman and with the farmer, and not one-degree lower.

I think that Gollum is really the character who is a very human character, and he's very flawed, like most humans are, and has good and bad sides.

You want to toe the line with tough investigations without falling into political grandstanding inherent in Washington on both sides of the aisle.

With our music, we don't want to just do one thing. We want to show all these different sides of us and all the different influences that we have.

The biggest sin against the poor and the hungry is perhaps indifference, making believe we do not see, passing by on the other side of the street.

All of us have a lot of sides to ourselves, but the fun thing about being actor is you make one side predominant for the character you're playing.

In one-day cricket, we should not think that we can win easily against any team. There have been examples when big teams have lost to small sides.

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