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Britain can get far better results if it engages with Europe than standing on the sidelines and saying that Europe should change.
People keep pushing me to be the center of attention... I would prefer to be on the sidelines, because that's where you see more.
When we're up 1-0 after 88 minutes, I don't sprint to the sidelines to take a throw-in - I expect that I and my team will be smart.
I played my first match aged six. Neither my opponent nor I knew how to score, so our parents had to help us out from the sidelines.
I curl up inside and freeze when I have to act. I much prefer sitting on the sidelines and trying to get the best out of other people.
After being sworn in to office, vice presidents have usually been relegated to the sidelines, where they just don't get to do very much.
Catholic theology believes that God gave man free will, and you can't give somebody free will and then send in a play from the sidelines.
There is power in seeing a face that looks like yours do something, be someone. There is power in moving from the sidelines to the center.
To discover your mission and put it into action - instead of worrying on the sidelines - is to find peace of mind and a heart full of love.
Instead of sitting on the sidelines, President Obama has made it clear that the US is ready to lead a global effort to combat climate change.
It doesn't matter how I'm asked to play, or if the football is good or bad: I like football when I'm on the pitch, not when I'm on the sidelines.
Rooting from the sidelines is the most democratic of sporting rites: no skyboxes, no tickets required, just an unabashed will to holler and wave.
People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do.
Every year, there's some band that plays guitar-oriented pop music that has a single, but for the most part, it's kind of relegated to the sidelines.
Communities and workers should be partners at the table, not waiting on the sidelines while government and the fossil fuel industry dictate climate policy.
To spend 17 months on the sidelines is tough for anyone, and it's hard to see everyone go out training and then to go and watch games at the Emirates Stadium.
For the most part, I've sat on the sidelines over the years during the endless debates about how we need to do more to encourage more women to start companies.
I've always been known for speeding up the tempo. To me, that's just the way you play the game - aggressive. There's no time to rest. You rest on the sidelines.
I'll give my heart and soul whenever I step on that field and even when I'm on the sidelines. And at the end of the day, that's really all you can ask of someone.
Sitting on the sidelines is so painful because it's very difficult for me to watch wrestling and not be a participant in the ring, since that's just where I belong.
Everybody in the league has someone up in the box, or guys on the sidelines trying to steal calls. It's just like baseball. If you've got guys who can do, you do it.
Look at 'Dulhe Raja.' It was a film made very quietly on the sidelines, and suddenly, when the film was released, it struck gold. I never expected the film to do well.
You know who I like the way he celebrates is Peyton. He kind of gives the guy a handshake and goes back to the sidelines. I think that's a great celebration right there.
To me, it's about being smart, knowing when to go down and if you're on the sidelines knowing when to go out of bounds, and I think I do a pretty good job of doing that.
I get appalled when I see good drivers being left on the sidelines because they haven't come up with the half million to a million to put themselves in a competitive car.
I was always too afraid to slow dance. But I do remember watching people slow dance. I was the guy on the sidelines. At the school dance, I was usually in the band, playing.
The ability to network successfully can be one of the greatest assets in business. It allows some people to find incredible opportunities, while others just watch from the sidelines.
I always watched '205 Live' on the sidelines. It's more my style: I like the quick and innovative moves. I just thought the brand was going to thrive, and I wanted to be a part of it.
Jurgen Klopp is actually more active on the sidelines than some of his colleagues. For us players, this is very motivating. He gives us extra energy on the pitch through his coaching.
It isn't fate but fecklessness that has shoved Sarah Palin to the sidelines of national politics. The real tragedy is that she's taken a lot of other serious Republican women with her.
To me, I was always just standing on the sidelines because up until issue 50, we were just doing Spawn. I wasn't recruiting anybody because I didn't have any books for people to work on.
If you are not around when Africa truly gets going, it would be much like the sceptics who stood on the sidelines in the 1990s convinced that China was going nowhere. How wrong they were.
But he did say that the character would be on the sidelines in movies One and Two, and move into the middle with number Three, but I didn't realize he would move in with quite such a bang.
While some sit on the sidelines and fail to offer any practical solutions to address high gas prices now, the House is once again taking action to meet the energy needs of the American people.
The most frustrating thing at Villa was the perceived view fans had of me, that certain people at the club painted. That of a mercenary who was happy sitting on the sidelines taking his wages.
My kids are my life. Sitting on the sidelines watching my son play rugby, helping them with their homework or getting them ready for their exams - I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.
When we mention the 1 percent and the 99 percent, everybody now knows what we are talking about. It's part of our vocabulary. How quickly these numbers jumped from the sidelines to the center.
We need to wake up to the fact that it is not immigrants who are causing economic dislocations. It is technology and an evolving economy that is pushing more and more Americans to the sidelines.
How can a child adhere to school and the notion of secularism when they see their mother rejected from a school outing, stigmatized, left on the sidelines, just because she has a scarf on her head?
Public crowdfunding still suffers from a tragedy of the commons problem. Everyone will want the benefit of the crowdfunded efforts but is incentivized to sit on the sidelines and hope others chip in.
Women in sports television are allowed to read headlines, patrols sidelines, and generally facilitate conversation for their male colleagues. Sometimes, they even let us monitor the Internet from a couch.
I have a 16 year-old son, so I'm now a soccer mom. I stand on the sidelines and I hear the things parents are saying, so I want them to understand what it is their kids are feeling in any sports environment.
I remember hating New Kids on the Block from the sidelines because all of the girls loved them. They would just fawn over them. 'Oh my gosh, Joey I love you!' When I was younger, I really couldn't stand them.
I was always the kid dribbling the ball on the sidelines, hoping someone would pick me. I'd go with my older brother to the gym or park, and when I went out there, I'd pass the ball so I could get picked again.
My mom was working through my childhood, so I would be running around Mumbai from one dance class to another with my mom carrying the tape recorder with me. I would sit on the sidelines and watch her teach dance.
Whether you are right in the middle of a glamorous event or watching it from the sidelines, the red carpet Oscar events set the stage to showcase the latest designs and styles for those watching around the world.
As a government leader, I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and watch all these other sectors innovate. I'm going to do everything I can as a leader to be in that innovation, to be a provocateur for that innovation.
You will find it will almost always be more comfortable to sit on the sidelines and critique the builders from afar. But at the end of the day, the people who make a difference, the people who shape history, are not the haters.
Sometimes it's tough as a supporting character: you are on the sidelines, and you don't get to be there for most of the fun stuff. You are hearing about all the great stuff that is going on, but you never get to be a part of it.
Soccer fans spend almost as much time outdoors as we do! Whether you're heading out onto the field for practice or cheering from the sidelines, throw a broad spectrum sunscreen into your bag to help protect your skin from the sun.