I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I'm getting sick and tired of doing anything half-way.

Americans are sick and tired of political gamesmanship.

The American public is sick and tired of being lied to.

I don't like any of it. I'm sick and tired of menopause.

I'm sick and tired of politics and politicians as usual.

People in Israel are sick and tired of the old politics.

I am so sick and tired of being told what I'm supposed to look like!

I think people are sick and tired of bailouts, domestically and internationally.

I'm sick and tired of only being asked about everything that Donald Trump says or does.

Along with 'normal' people in this country, I'm sick and tired of political correctness.

I got sick and tired of my lady wearing ugly underwear to bed, so I turned to the Internet.

I am sick and tired of the myopia in the gay and lesbian movement. It'll doom the movement.

Only when we are sick and tired of being sick and tired do any of us do something different.

This is a matter of public health. The public was sick and tired of DeLay and his corruption.

I'm sick and tired - and the American people are sick and tired - of the pork barrel spending.

If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign.

I was sick and tired of being an English actor who did a lot of American movies because I was cheap and good.

Are you sick and tired of these moralizing moralizers imposing their morality on the rest of us? I know I am.

Wine is something to enjoy. We get sick and tired of people who pick it apart and talk about its 'saucy nuances.'

Like so many Americans, I am sick and tired of watching the rapid decline of our culture right in front of our eyes.

I am sick and tired of Cassius Clay going around and saying he is the greatest and what a tremendous boxer he has been.

I think women are sick and tired of being portrayed as victims, a lot of the time anyway, the bulk of their time on film.

The Cowboys fan in me is getting increasingly sick and tired of watching Jerry Jones enable his team to lose without fear.

I am committed to the people who are sick and tired of seeing their tax dollars being used to fund unethical people and corporations.

I am sick and tired of an administration that treats Raul Castro and Ayatollah Khamenei better than it treats the prime minister of Israel.

There's always an element of fear that you need to work a lot until people get sick and tired of you or finally figure out that you're a fraud after all!

The world will change for the better when people decide they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way the world is, and decide to change themselves.

Jon Moxley - great performer. I'm sure he's a nice guy. But at the end of the day, I think people are sick and tired of him, you know, being the captain of the ship.

If you feel sick and tired of how things are in your life, chances are it's because you're making yourself sick and tired - by engaging in too many energy leaking things.

We the people are sick and tired of the criminalization of immigrants, sick to our hearts to see Trump's family separation policies rip families apart across our country.

America is sick and tired of spending hour upon hour sitting in their automobile trying to get to work, trying to get kids to school, trying to get to a doctor's appointment.

And I'm here to tell you, the reaction that I'm getting around the country, people are sick and tired of this word in Washington, compromise. This is why nothing ever gets done.

The American people are sick and tired of this 'lesser evil' garbage they get fed every election year. Both the Democrats and the Republicans do the same evils once they're in office.

I got sick and tired of hearing bands that didn't mean anything to me. I mean, there are some bands out there that are good, but if you want to hear stuff you want to hear, you got to do it yourself.

I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately, you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're depressed all the time is it's the drugs that are depressing you.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period.

I'm finding all over America that people are sick and tired of the tweedle-dee dees and the tweedle-dee dums who constantly flip-flap from one side to another. People are interested in having candidates that are truthful.

I am sick and tired of the process where everybody tells you that Indian companies don't have the technology and capability. We need to put money where our mouth is and make things happen, and that is what we are trying to do.

There are too many senior citizens and good residents in Chicago who are sick and tired of having to walk several blocks out of their way when they leave their homes just to avoid the gangs and drug dealers on the street corner.

I'm saying right now that if you're going to serve this nation in a federal position, you need to start proving that you're willing to sacrifice first. I'm saying... that people are sick and tired of the millionaires running the system.

I am so sick and tired of participating in this predictable cycle of politics, where a mass shooting happens, the left calls for new gun laws - some meaningful, some unproductive - the right yells 'slippery slope' and hides behind the Constitution.

The American people, Neil, are sick and tired of excuses. They are sick and tired of the blame game. And they're sick and tired of the deception coming from this president and this administration. This is why I believe that I am doing so well in the polls.

I took this 'how to build computers' course basically because I'm sick and tired of getting ripped off by cheesy computer companies. Software baffles me. I like hardware. I used to change my own oil, and now I want to build my own computer so I can have what I want.

I am sick and tired of folks that are doing everything they can to try to get a bad bill going, and then they vote against it when the bad bill's got the momentum to go through. We should be doing everything, using every tool in our toolbox, to stop bad legislation from happening.

I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our moral duty to serve the state, because conservatives believe that it is our moral duty to serve our fellow man regardless of race, sex, affiliation or creed, and when we serve, we believe that it is the state's duty to get out of the way.

I was sick and tired of reading other people's epigraphs. They all seemed to be in ancient Greek, middle French or, when they were translated, they never seemed to relate to the book at hand. Basically, they seemed to be there just to baffle you and to impress you with how smart the writer is.

The message is pretty clear: Americans are sick and tired of the doubletalk coming out of Washington, of us going home and saying we're conservative and then coming up here and voting for 10,000 earmarks. We can't fool America anymore; the media is too good. They're reporting what we're really doing.

In Holland, every Monday evening my creative team meets to discuss fresh new ideas. We try to look at what's happening in the world. Are there trends? Are there new developments we should be aware of? And regularly we heard that people are uncertain about the future. People are sick and tired of the rules and regulations.

It's been a long comeback. Things were pretty dark for me. But I have a faith now, and it saves my day. I was angry with God for a long time because I was unhappy with me. I hadn't learned to make the distinction between God and my parents. But there's a peace now. In the end, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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