It's not easy to shout against real elements. The elements are big, and the human voice is very small.

I want my kids to grow up in a country where, you know, we can still shout questions at the president.

Men are freest when they are most unconscious of freedom. The shout is a rattling of chains, always was.

Do not trust to the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.

I have never hidden any facts about me, and will shout out my wedding plans off rooftops when it happens.

I'm not going to shout at the cameras. I just work hard and fight and that is all I can do and all I can be.

Creative directors can be egocentric, they say. I decide; they shout at people and harass. I don't want that.

I'd be OK if we didn't go back out to London ever again... shout out to everybody in London. I loved the fans.

'Nice' means nothing. Is it someone who doesn't swear and shout? I swear and shout. 'Nice' sounds ineffectual.

It's exciting being around people who are adults - I actually race out the door in the morning and shout, 'Bye!'

Sometimes when you're not getting what you want in this game you have to shout a bit and throw a bit of a tantrum.

Seeing a new play in a first-time production is so exciting - when it's good, you want to shout from the rooftops.

I always shout out my dad. My artistic roots come from him. He had his own T-shirt company and taught me the trade.

If you want any attention in the Howard household, you have to shout quite loudly and try to develop a personality.

Every time I do a movie, especially an animated movie, I just seem to scream and shout and hyperventilate for money.

Shout out to J. Cole. We come from the same type of struggles. He put the real in his music, I put the real in mine.

You love football because of the game, not because of some idiot who is going to shout at your from across the street.

My first-ever date on my first tour, the sound completely cut out. So I had to go on and just shout loudly to the audience.

I want to stand on a platform in the middle of Times Square and shout, 'You do not have to battle your Crohn's disease alone.'

Most Americans don't shout their politics, much less blast it from their TVs while serving you fried pickles - that's the Left.

In the band's early days people didn't really know what we were, and they decided to shout at us before listening to the music.

Fans in Brazil cross the line. A few times at Fluminense, the fans would go to the airport after we had played away to shout at us.

My short stature may have something to do with my tendency to shout when enraged. How else is anyone going to hear me way down here?

I don't get the airplay that one in my position deserves. 'Twist and Shout' gets more airplay than 'The Twist,' and that's not right.

It's ironic - people used to want to suspend me and talk about how bad my behaviour was, but now they like it when I shout and scream.

My focus has always been: I can be an incredibly conservative, principled idea person, but that doesn't mean I have to shout at people.

Please note when you watch a play, you can't pause it and go to the loo or shout into the kitchen for a tea. Learned that the hard way.

Never in my life did I think I would be walking down the street and people would shout 'Jesus!' at me in the street. It's quite amusing.

I've never been the kind of person who would get up and wave my arms and scream and shout and say, 'Hey, listen to this, listen to this.'

I walk down the street; the garbagemen will shout at me, and we'll talk. That's a pleasure when people feel, 'If he can do it, I can, too.'

The physical voice we use in prayer need not be great nor startling; even should we not lift up any great cry or shout, God will yet hear us.

History is written by the winners. My job as an artist is to speak up for those who might be perceived as the losers. Or those who can't shout.

The world is a very noisy place and so I don't need to shout about things. There are so many people shouting and a lot of people get lost in it.

In church, they have the music where you jump and you shout, you know, and then you have the quiet music where you're sitting, you're meditating.

GE Appliances has agreed to give my mom a whole kitchen's worth of new appliances and a washer and dryer, and all I need to do is shout them out.

My first records were KISS's 'Love Gun,' Twisted Sister's 'Stay Hungry,' and Motley Crue's 'Shout at the Devil.' That had immense influence on me.

When you see most companies get big, they want to shout about all they've done. But the consumer wants to know: 'What have you done for me lately?'

Obviously, the big hits like 'Shout,' 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World,' 'Head Over Heels,' we play live, so there's nothing new about them to me.

I've never once heard my mum shout and she's 83 now. She's incredible. She's very, very happy, slightly eccentric but loves laughing, which I do too.

People were stopping me on the street to say, 'Oh my God, it's Crazy Eyes!' Which is kind of a funny thing to have people shout at you on the street.

I would say that we are living in an age that is increasingly spiritually blind and morally deaf. The man who does not shout is not going to be heard.

When I walk down the street, even here in the U.S., they are always saying my catchphrases of my characters, and they shout at me with my catchphrases.

When I came out, initially, I faced some mocking. For the first 10-15 days, sometimes when I was out in public, people would shout things like 'lesbian.'

I don't shout from the rooftops or blow my own trumpet. But I take a lot of satisfaction from the players and staff at clubs who recognise what I've done.

Children are the most wonderful audiences. What's struck me most is that that they watch it so silently, until the end when they shriek and shout and clap.

Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout 'Bang!'

I remember, as a kid, when any woman/girl came close to my dad to get his autograph, I would throw a complete tantrum - yell shout and sometimes even fight!

I can still remember how my mother would shout my name out of the window because I was playing football late at night and had school to attend the next day.

I know that if enough people shout a falsehood, people start to think it's true and a lot of people don't do independent verification of everything they hear.

The atmosphere at Old Trafford is really unique, and when you're a bit tired, they really help you: they shout out your name, and that gives you extra energy.

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