Why should man fear since chance is all in all for him, and he can clearly foreknow nothing? Best to live lightly, as one can, unthinkingly.

Can it be that I have not lived as one ought?" suddenly came into his head. "But how not so, when I've done everything as it should be done?

Any time there's racism somewhere in sports, we should get it out of there because sports is a place where everything's supposed to be fair.

You know when you hear the 22 suicides a day it's a big part of your question. But when you hear the 22 suicides a day that should never be.

Each haka has its own interpretation, but you have to make sure you are in unison with your team-mates; the haka should be a proper war cry.

Making films is - or should be - a very personal experience. You shouldn't listen to anybody, other than the people you choose to listen to.

The finest plans have always been spoiled by the littleness of them that should carry them out. Even emperors can't do it all by themselves.

One should want only one thing and want it constantly. Then one is sure of getting it. But I desire everything, and consequently get nothing.

Before you start trying to work out which direction the property market is headed, you should be aware that there are markets within markets.

Why are you worrying about YOU-KNOW-WHO, when you should be worrying about YOU-NO-POO? The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!

Being a failure at living your own life as best as you can is better than being a success living the life somebody else says you should live.

Should one continue to base one's life on a system of belief that--for all its occasional wisdom and frequent beauty--is demonstrably untrue?

The danger is not lest the soul should doubt whether there is any bread, but lest, by a lie, it should persuade itself that it is not hungry.

We should have had socialism already, but for the socialists, am quite willing to drop the name if dropping it will help me to get the thing.

In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

I'll be the first to admit it, the life I'm leading is basically a joke. I should probably be cooler about it, but I can't fake it, you know?

Ultimately you should follow advice not because someone tells you to, but because it was something that you already knew you should be doing.

My doctor tells me I should start slowing it down - but there are more old drunks than there are old doctors so let's all have another round.

What should exist? To me, that's the most exciting question imaginable. What do we need that we don't have? How can we realize our potential?

I understand what something short should be like. I understand beauty in that form. If I start extending, somehow I kind of lose my bearings.

So many Indian novels, quite unfairly, do not get the prominence they should because they have been written in a language other than English.

Texting is a fundamentally sneaky form of communication, which we should despise, but it is such a boon we don't care. We are all sneaks now.

Go to nature with no parti pris. You should not know what your picture is to look like until it is done. Just see the picture that is coming.

As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what Secretary [Hillary] Clinton said. We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we're not.

My friends tell me that I have a tendency to point out problems without offering solutions, but they never tell me what I should do about it.

I'm prepared to say that law enforcement should be allowed to seize the guns of those who are suspected to be involved in domestic terrorism.

When it comes to fighting for freedom, those who are willing to fight should not be limited by our bigotry. Only rewarded with our gratitude.

Design and technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products.

Many of us have a mental conception of what a Christian should be, and the lives of the saints become a hindrance to our concentration on God.

However much you love somebody, you should always keep a part of yourself to yourself. Never give it all. You can never be yourself otherwise.

Words indeed are but the signs and counters of knowledge, and their currency should be strictly regulated by the capital which they represent.

You don't have to be a wreck. You don't have to be sick. One's aim in life should be to die in good health. Just like a candle that burns out.

Each and every one of you should consider himself to be a trustee for the welfare of the rest of his fellow labourers and not be self-seeking.

Publishing should be a collaboration between authors and their smartest readers - and at some point the distinction should become meaningless.

Music should come crashing out of your speakers and grab you, and the lyrics should challenge whatever preconceived notions that listener has.

True love exists in business. It's when Employee and Employer are amazingly grateful to have each other. We should all have true love at work.

After you've dated someone it should be legal to stamp them with what's wrong with them so the next person doesn't have to start from scratch.

The image of the frontier is probably one of the oldest images of mankind, and it is not surprising that we should find it hard to get rid of.

Music has been already devalued by the consumer. There's an expectation that it should be free so the race to the bottom has already been won.

I believe that a sportsman should be aggressive because that is what gives him or her the power to perform even in the toughest of situations.

The cologne you pick should make you feel good when you go out with it. I think confidence comes across more than any other of our attributes.

That's the hardest thing to do-to stay with a sentence until it has said what it should say, and then to know when that has been accomplished.

Rush, that most exciting perversion of life, the necessity of accomplishing something in less time than should be truly allowed for its doing.

Auditions are hard. You should see what most of the women look like when I audition for things - they look like they should be on the catwalk.

If there is to be a competition, there must be some basis for resolving it. It is also clear that the competition should be experienced based.

I conceive there lies a clear rule in Titus that the elder women should instruct the younger and then I must have a time wherein I must do it.

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.

Value investors should completely exit a security by the time it reaches full value; owning overvalued securities is the realm of speculators.

I don't read as much as I'd like. I've been writing a lot. I've been doing a lot of music, but I don't read as much as I should. I just don't.

Such an event is probable in Agathon's sense of the word: 'it is probable,' he says, 'that many things should happen contrary to probability.'

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