A man should remove not only unnecessary acts, but also unnecessary thoughts, for then superfluous activity will not follow.

The more time you spend contemplating what you should have done... you lose valuable time planning what you can and will do.

Such bees! Bilbo had never seen anything like them. "If one were to sting me," He thought "I should swell up as big as I am!

To grow, change, love, adapt, experience. We have to be open minded. This is the life and that's the way it should be lived.

What would constitute useful history? That which should teach us our duties and our rights, without appearing to teach them.

Everyone should prepare NOW for this change, for I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will survive.

We Irish had the right word on the tip of our tongue, but the imperialist got at that. What should trip off it we trip over.

The younger you are, the more experimenting you should do. But once you've found what you were created to do, stick with it.

Julian Assange shouldn't be the subject of a grand jury hearing, he should be given a medal. He's contributing to democracy.

Productivity = creating value and delivering it to people. All other busywork is unproductive fluff and should be minimized.

You shouldn't just work on your jump shot. You should work on being a better person, a better teammate, and a better friend.

We make trifles of terrors, Ensconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge, When we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear.

Sharing music is not a crime. It shouldn't be. There should be a deeper meaning to making music than just selling downloads.

There never was and is not likely soon to be a nation of philosophers, nor am I certain it is desirable that there should be.

It's not computer literacy that we should be working on, but sort of human-literacy. Computers have to become human-literate.

Rather than reacting to every risk we hear and see, we should make an effort to discern which ones we can do something about.

Children, I grant, should be innocent; but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness.

I think we should think of AI as the intellectual equivalent of a backhoe. It will be much better than us at a lot of things.

I think everybody should have the attitude that you can't allow yourself to be hurt. You avoid a lot just with that attitude.

I've always maintained that I don't think comedy should be reviewed. I think it's un-reviewable, because it is so subjective.

If we would mend the World, we should mend Ourselves; and teach our Children to be, not what we are, but what they should be.

A hat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat.

She would say, "Someone should invent something to do with things you cannot use anymore but that you still cannot throw out.

Never think that you're not good enough. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning.

If we love something similar to ourselves, we endeavor, as far as we can, to bring it about that it should love us in return.

Wisdom teaches us that none but birds should go out early, and that not even birds should do it unless they are out of worms.

Imagination should be integrated with life, not turned into a separate activity, art, that monopolizes one's whole existence.

Pretend you are dancing or singing a picture. A worker or painter should enjoy his work, else the observer will not enjoy it.

Our life is not so much threatened as our perception. Ghostlike we glide through nature, and should not know our place again.

[B]ut in literature, it should be remembered, a thing always becomes his at last who says it best, and thus makes it his own.

If wisdom were offered me with this restriction, that I should keep it close and not communicate it, I would refuse the gift.

There should be pluralism - the concept of many religions, many truths. But we must also be careful not to become nihilistic.

First ask why, and decide whether something is worth doing. Only after that should you set about doing it as well as you can.

[Justin Bieber]'s rich, right? Grammys are for music and not money. He's making a lot of money. He should be happy with that.

None can be an impartial or wise observer of human life but from the vantage ground of what we should call voluntary poverty.

Language should fulfill your individual existence as a wholesome human being... Language should be more than just getting by.

We should learn to accept that change is truly the only thing that's going on always, and learn to ride with it and enjoy it.

Money not spent on a luxury one considered even briefly is the equivalent of windfall income and should be spent accordingly.

Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.

Learning should take place when it is needed, when the learner is interested, not according to some arbitrary, fixed schedule

I have learned that one should say "Peace!" to those who shout their hatred for one's being and presence or at one's passage.

Sleep not when others speak, sit not when others stand, speak not when you should hold your peace, walk not when others stop.

There should be in eloquence that which is pleasing and that which is real; but that which is pleasing should itself be real.

This is a very grave matter, punishable by...well, I do not exactly know what, but something rather severe, I should imagine.

No officer should be allowed to behave as if they are above the law, just because they are responsible for upholding the law.

Your movie should lull people into a place of openness and vulnerability. If it is just a diatribe, it's never going to work.

The couturier should be a geometrician, for the human body makes geometrical figures to which the materials should correspond.

Fondle the woman in your life once for every thousand times you play with your private parts. That should be just about right.

Since it is through movement that the will realises itself, we should assist a child in his attempts to put his will into act.

Nobody's ever asked me to a party before, as a friend. Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?

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