All good criticism should be judged the way art is. You shouldn't read it the way you read history or science.

Some facts should be suppressed, or, at least, a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them.

We should keep on going along the path of globalization. Globalization is good... when trade stops, war comes.

Not that our salvation should be the effect of our work, but our work should be the evidence of our salvation.

One should not be too severe on English novels; they are the only relaxation of the intellectually unemployed.

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate. A plurality (of reasons) should not be posited without necessity.

Having bowed to the inevitability of the dictum that we must eat to live, we should ignore it and live to eat.

The threat or fear of violence should not become an excuse or justification for restricting freedom of speech.

We should always choose to work with people we love. They are the ones who will watch our back and our future.

I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.

Even now we feel that Stalin was devoted to Communism, he was a Marxist, this cannot and should not be denied.

Whatever pursuit you undertake, the requirements should start with a love of what it is that you are pursuing.

I am extremely content in my life - sometimes to the point where I really should find something to moan about!

Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science, and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner.

I feel that the longest and worst punishment should be reserved for those who slandered God by inventing Hell.

Life is unpredictable, and I feel, to some extent, lighting and cinematography should be a reflection of that.

You have my assurance that we will respond with full force should the settlement be violated by North Vietnam.

Relationships are all about trust and equality. If one person shares, then the other person should share, too.

Criticism even should not be without its charms. When quite devoid of all amenities, it is no longer literary.

We should desire very few things passionately if we did but perfectly know the nature of the things we desire.

We should all seek to innovate, or be curious about innovation. Innovation truly is one of our greatest gifts.

he was figuratively following along beside her as she walked the fence, ready to catch her if she should fall.

It seemed incredible to me that day without premonitions or symbols should be the one of my inexorable death .

Success is more about doing the things you know you should do than discovering the secrets you don't yet know.

The courts are using the First Amendment to attack religion, when they should be using it to protect religion.

Writing shouldn't come between the reader and what's being described. It should be as transparent as possible.

Comments that suggest that Muslims should be banned from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional.

I should point out that I have a picture of Asbel Kiprop as the screensaver on my phone. Is that embarrassing?

I still enjoy doing music. I'm not going to stop doing it, and doing it the way that I feel it should be done.

The novel should be understood as a structure built to accommodate the greatest possible amount of cool stuff.

We sell the movies. Women need to know they are an asset and they are the ones who should be making the money.

I think a newspaper should be provocative, stir 'em up, but you can't do that on television. It's just not on.

One should always be happy, irrespective of what you achieve in a match or in life. That's how I live my life.

A literally perfect style should conceal itself so completely behind what it expresses that it goes unnoticed.

We should be trying to reach the young workers because that's when you're most idealistic and have least fear.

I love food and feel that it is something that should be enjoyed. I eat whatever I want. I just don't overeat.

The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.

And that destination for which we should strive is one of a successful life not necessarily a life of success.

I would say don't worry about what you should do, do whatever you can. And seek companions with shared values.

We fear doing too little when we should do more. Then atone by doing too much, when perhaps we should do less.

There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditures excludes them.

People should pursue what they're passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.

People ask, 'Should I call you Sir Hopkins?' But I say, 'No. Call me Tony,' because it's too much of a lift-up.

In my life, I've never really listened to when people start forming opinions on how you should be doing things.

No nation on this globe should be more internationally minded than America because it was built by all nations.

The world will die, but I shall not die.If God dies, then I will die;If he does not die, then why should I die?

I wear Spanx to smooth things out. I read that Jessica Alba wears them and if she wears them, then so should I.

To write about business one should be in business, just as in writing about Tasmania one should visit Tasmania.

We're allowed to have had a private life before politics in which we make mistakes and do things we should not.

It's very important, who has the most delegates. The superdelegates should not be the ones making the decision.

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