Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate.

If you're always on time, it implies that you never have anything better you should be doing. -Kelsier

We should not confuse complete faith in God with complete faith in our ability to discern God's voice.

Improving our national intelligence capabilities should remain a top priority and a continual process.

When we love what is, it becomes so simple to live in the world. The world is exactly as it should be.

One thing you should know about me is I never play to lose, Always aim high and rarely obey the rules.

It's okay to not know completely what you want or what you should be doing and to stumble a little bit.

I would love to have children, yes. Maybe even adopt them. I'm not sure that I should pass on my genes.

Congress should be forward thinking in the policies we set, instead of waiting until catastrophe looms.

Decency requires that when a programme is approved by the majority, all should carry it out faithfully.

Do your duty in all things, like the old Puritan. You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less.

I am of the firm opinion that no one should tell writers what to do, or what to write, or how to write.

When you do hit the gym, you should push yourself. This is what makes fitness phenomena so interesting.

It doesnt seem to me strange that children should like the macabre, the sensational, and the forbidden.

If anyone has engaged unlawful activity, they should be held to account with the full force of the law.

But films should be voyeuristic. What else is a film if you’re not snooping into somebody else’s lives?

The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.

A writer should always bravely face life, risking death and mutilation in order to dethrone an emperor.

I have one reason why you should walk away from that temptation right now. One reason: God. Is. Better.

My music teacher told me that she didn't even know why I was going to college - I should be a stand-up.

This is what you should know about losing someone you love. They do not travel alone. You go with them.

There should be more women directing; I think there's just not the awareness that it's really possible.

Sure! Why should any experts be the arbiters... That's like telling someone they can't be a vegetarian.

The necessity of the idea creates its own style. The material itself dictates how it should be written.

To suggest that it's OK to assassinate a president, I think is a felony. And I think that it should be.

We should always forgive. We should forgive the repentant for their sake, the unrepentant for our sake.

...he had long decided that abundant laughter should be the embellishment of the remainder of his days.

Unless the U.N. is completely reorganized without the Communist nations in it, we should get out of it.

There is an implied warranty that a commissioned work should last a lifetime. There is to be no charge.

Is it not a sad thing that after all Christ's love to us, we should repay it with lukewarm love to Him?

I'm never the kind of person to say what somebody else should do. I'm very much do what you feel to do.

Children should learn that reading is pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school.

Every race and every nation should be judged by the best it has been able to produce, not by the worst.

If we were never depressed we should not be alive; it is the nature of a crystal never to be depressed.

There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.

One thing I learned is that the mind, rather than being the master, should be the servant of the heart.

People should never worship images. The spread of mental darkness is due to the prevalence of idolatry.

As a leader, the first person I need to lead is me. The first person that I should try to change is me.

Systems and processes are essential to keep the crusade going, but they should not replace the crusade.

I think people should find themselves being entertained by something that's worth being entertained by.

Sometimes a loss is the best thing that can happen. It teaches you what you should have done next time.

Choose what to believe. He wanted the truth. Why was everybody so determined that he should not get it.

To sum up the whole, we should say that the aim of the Platonic philosophy was to exalt man into a god.

Now in business we do a cost benefit analysis before we make policy changes. Washington should as well.

One should therefore not rely on mere words, but everywhere search for the intention behind them. (121)

I'm making music with my friends. It's fun. It should be fun. You shouldn't make music if it isn't fun.

I never feel like I conquered the day and did everything I possibly should have, could have, would have.

We should all rehearse and practise the positives in our life, rather than doing what so many people do.

If you aren't on Goodreads, you should be. I've said it before, it's like Facebook for readers on crack.

The truth for sure, when it arrives, will make you smile. If it doesn't, you should seek a deeper truth.

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