A person who complains that his children don´t treat him well, should recall how he brought them up.

Investors should invest on what they know. The biggest mistake is to invest on what they don't know.

You and I will always be friends." "Yet you poisoned me with a book once. I should not forgive that.

With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.

My job is not to get an award. My job is to illuminate people about something that they should know.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no line between high art and pop art, and there should be no line.

I wouldn't build a building if it wasn't of interest to me as a potential work of art. Why should I?

Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.

If you've worked over all of your drawing, it should finish itself - often when you least expect it.

Writing and performing should deepen the meaning of words, should illuminate, transfix and transform.

Don't be creative when you should be mechanical, and don't be mechanical when you should be creative.

Children should be taught to question everything . . . everything they read and everything they hear.

You should always choose your associations wisely because people create impressions around the music.

My buildings should have an emotional core - a space which, in itself, has an emotional nice feeling.

You should go to the polls, organize yourself. But once lawmakers are chosen, they must be respected.

We should never be at the mercy of Providence if only we understood that we ourselves are Providence.

I have this whole thing that when God gives you more that you have imagined, you should give it back.

Why should I refuse a good dinner simply because I don't understand the digestive processes involved?

Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots.

They are focused on whether they can do something. They never think whether they should do something.

Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it.

I should start every game, I should be playing every minute of every match and always be in the team.

Mister Dresden is a diplomatically challenged individual. He should be in a shelter for the tactless.

Americans don't think we should be raising taxes on anybody, especially in the middle of a recession.

If you ask me a question like what is your greatest accomplishment, it should be what I’m about to do

The effort invested in 'getting it right' should be commensurate with the importance of the decision.

Once a day you should look into the mirror to see if what stands between you and happiness isn't you.

Decent people should ignore politics, if only they could be confident that politics would ignore them

If we were faultless we should not be so much annoyed by the defects of those with whom we associate.

God has created us all humanHe is kind & just to all. Why should we be unkind & unjust to each other?

I tried to push him away with my head. I apologise to everyone. I should not have got involved in it.

We all must recognize that homeland security funds should be allocated by threat and no other reason.

Everyone has his own conscience, and there should be no rules about how a conscience should function.

A definitive decision to say you should start people on therapy as soon as you know they're infected.

People do not change when you tell them they should; they change when they tell themselves they must.

As soon as you have a problem, it's insoluble. These things should never have been allowed to happen.

We should endeavor practically in our lives to correct all the defects which our imagination detects.

Friends should be weighed, not told; who boasts to have won a multitude of friends has never had one.

Democracy is only a dream: it should be put in the same category as Arcadia, Santa Claus, and Heaven.

There IS a difference between poetry and prose! Poems should be sonically charged and new to the ear.

Women have the right to mount the scaffold; they should likewise have the right to mount the rostrum.

You should always listen to minotaurs. Anybody with four stomachs has to have a firm grip on reality.

No one should be harassed or mistreated because of who they are, who they love, or what they believe.

Life can be absolutely phenomenal, and it should be, and it will be, when you start using the secret.

You should know the ins and outs [of the marriage]. So it was nice to see a little bit of background.

I'm a firm believer that things happen as they should. The universe unfolds just as it's supposed to.

My father and mother should have stayed in New York, where they met and married and where I was born.

Being listened to should be sufficiently gratifying in itself, whether or not the advice is followed.

Food is a gift and should be treated reverentially--romanced and ritualized and seasoned with memory.

Professional land surveyors take on a lot of responsibility, and should be compensated appropriately.

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