He should not be here, " said the fish in the pot. " he should not be here when your mother is not.

We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves.

I'm really honestly terrified about how much I should tell and how much I should still keep secret.

Religion should be about your relationship with God, not what the church says you can and can't do.

We should try to create the society each of us would want if we didn't know in advance who we'd be.

A writer should not so much write as embroider on paper; the work should be painstaking, laborious.

The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be, rather than recognising how we are.

Even a speck of love should not go unappreciated, because, as Rumi said, love is the water of life.

I will adhere to the counsels of good men, although misfortune and death should be the consequence.

Garden design theory explains, or should explain, the 'What, Where, Why and How' of making gardens.

People get trapped in the way things should feel and less focused on the way things should function.

Should we become so proficient at self-presentation that we can dissemble without anyone suspecting?

You should make the world understand that Israel is the oppressor and that Israel must be destroyed.

My house is covered in solar panels, I'm a great believer in all this - we all should be doing this.

I should’ve known the day was going to turn out bad when it started with my father trying to kill me

A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.

If you could ever do a project that really has magic in it, and justifiable magic, you should do it.

In public worship all should join. The little strings go to make up a concert, as well as the great.

Everyone should be forcibly transplanted to another continent from their family at the age of three.

All economists should be locked up until they admit that they don't know what they're talking about.

Before strongly desiring anything, we should look carefully into the happiness of its present owner.

There was a time when I felt I should do everything that was offered to me, you know, ride the wave.

A film should be an experience. You should feel something. It should motivate you to feel something.

As a man, there's a part of me that feels I should still be going out and doing a proper day's work.

It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends and neighbours should be true to the public.

It is 'where we are' that should make all the difference, whether we believe we belong there or not.

What answer to the meaning of existence should one require beyond the right to exercise one's gifts?

The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.

Art should never be a slave to commerce, but for all working artists that's exactly what it must be.

A book which, above all others in the world, should be forbidden, is a catalogue of forbidden books.

Each of you, Jew and gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in the sacred war should do so now.

No one should be posing for duck-lipped selfies with the plaque of the dead. That wouldn't be right.

A board member should be perfectly willing to leave at any time and willing to make the tough calls.

You should shower," I said. "Right now." "I smell that bad?" (Patch) Actually, he smelled that good.

If you want what's in the package you should at least know how to get the string off, is what I say.

I'm wearing a new perfume that I should recommend to the women in the audience; it's called 'Tester.

Being called a person, as such, indicates that one should only have one character and be true to it.

My mother told me I should be a secretary, but I wanted to be an actress from when I was very young.

There is never such a thing as learning too much. We can always delve deeper, and in fact we should!

Exhortations to obstruct the operations of Government in detail, should; Exhortations to resist all.

My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s.

If one doesn't value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?

Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.

Merit, however inconsiderable, should be sought for and rewarded. Methods are the master of masters.

So many people try to grow up too fast, and it's not fun! You should stay a kid as long as possible!

Extemporaneous speaking should be practised and cultivated. It is the lawyer's avenue to the public.

Taking the Bible too literally is a mistake. It should be read as a guidebook of wisdom and insight.

Governors should be defined not just by what they do and say, but who they surround themselves with.

I'm very proud of my breasts, as every woman should be. It's not cellular obesity. It's womanliness.

The painter should paint not only what he has in front of him, but also what he sees inside himself.

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