Why should I pay the bums all that good folding money and then go out and do all the work myself?

I believe that without memories there is no life, and that our memories should be of happy times.

In these troubled times we live in, we should remain vigilant and see through populist arguments.

The technician should never forget that he is an artist, the artist never that he is a technician

A good fragrance should have a certain personality that makes people identify the scent with you.

That is the motto women should constantly repeat over and over again. 'Good for her! Not for me.'

We should trust people to be exactly what they have proven themselves to be, no more and no less.

A leader should demonstrate his thoughts and opinions through his actions, not through his words.

Marriage is an honorable estate and should not be used simply as an excuse for legal intercourse.

Why should I put a bunch of Cadillacs on the ice, when I can sell out with a bunch of volkswagens

We should often blush at our noblest deeds if the world were to see all their underlying motives.

Stockholm is very, like, posh and uptight, and everything should be so luxurious and refurbished.

Whatever it is you love, and whatever it is that you want to do, that's what you should be doing.

Women should stop going for the bad guys, stop looking so far when the good ones are right there.

Relationships, like cars, should undergo regular services to make sure they are still roadworthy.

Nation should be rest assured Pakistan is a safe atomic power. No one can cast an evil eye on it.

The President's post should not be politicised. Once a president is elected, he is above politics.

The only right we do not and should not have in a liberal democracy is a right not to be offended.

What the [James] Monroe Doctrine stated, in effect, is that the US should dominate the hemisphere.

Never use a gallon of words to express a spoonful of thought. Our unadorned word should be enough.

I go out on the road for much longer than I probably should and lose more of myself than I should.

The trumped-up charges against kitsch and sentimentality should disturb us and make us suspicious.

To form our taste, we must neither depreciate nor imitate, but we should understand and originate.

Holiness through Christ's Spirit is the accountability every Christian should be striving towards.

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.

I just think that we're capable of so much more; we don't utilize all our capacity like we should.

That maybe you should make the most of what time you have? That you shouldlive while you’re alive?

Most good media come out of somebody saying, 'This should exist; this is something I want to read.

Those who put blinders on their eyes should remember that the set also includes bridle and a whip.

Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady.

I think the good old British democracy should keep scrutinising and pressing to get the truth out.

Get more women producers, writers, directors. Why should we expect men to do it for us? They can't

In a democracy, you won't always get to have your way. But you should always get to have your say.

Single life should be experimental in nature and open to accidents. Some accidents are happy ones.

We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny.

There are gonna be a core set of values that shouldn't be up for debate. Should be our north star.

Actually, they should just roll it all back get rid of gambling...It destabilizes the U.S. economy

Never, ever, think about something else when you should be thinking about the power of incentives.

Anyone I may have used should feel happy that they even had a use. It's better than being useless.

Works of art should be stimulating. They should wake people up rather than acting like a sedative.

Fashion should be genderless; how people perceive the idea of beauty can vary from one to another.

Telling someone about what a symbol means is like telling someone how music should make them feel.

Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

Self-driving cars are the natural extension of active safety and obviously something we should do.

Human values should predominate in men's thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.

People expect that they should be understood by you but seldom put in an effort to understand you.

When you gaze into souls, it's something you should update periodically, because souls can change.

Why should we build our happiness on the opinons of others, when we can find it in our own hearts?

It is not a bad thing that children should occasionally, and politely, put parents in their place.

Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us.

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