When I say things like 'Marriage should be between one man and one woman,' I'm called a bigot.

I have always observed that to succeed in the world one should appear like a fool but be wise.

The whole object of education is...to develop the mind. The mind should be a thing that works.

I don't think the author should make the reader do that much work to remember who somebody is.

Nobody should have to be a systems integrator to make a convergence network work in their home

One should be religious in everything, have God, whatever God might be, present in everything.

Everyone should in some way be creative, irrespective of the quality of that which he creates.

I am very outspoken, obviously, and I should say that I can't judge anyone for doing anything.

Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads.

I don't believe that everybody should be paid the same. I believe in equal pay for equal work.

The spine is the lifeline. A lot of people should go to a chiropractor but they don't know it.

Neither acquiescence in skepticism nor acquiescence in dogma is what education should produce.

We should scarcely desire things ardently if we were perfectly acquainted with what we desire.

Keep going until you get good counsel that is persuasive for you that you should go elsewhere.

The church does not simply have a missions department; it should wholly exist to be a mission.

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

Kring is the mantra of power. "Kring" should only be repeated when you are in deep meditation.

A theology should be like poetry, which takes us to the end of what words and thoughts can do.

It might just be me, but it's tough when you get drivers that don't stay where they should be.

I talk alot about death so I should do it soon... Maybe under the cold breeze of a bluish moon

Any central bank should only be in charge of liquidity. Solvency is a matter for the treasury.

You should not believe a thing only because you like to believe it. We call that 'Diax's Rake.

I'm not very happy idle. There's always this voice in my head that says, 'I should be writing.

The scientist should treasure the riddles he can't solve, not explain them away at the outset.

I was always determined that races should begin on time and I never deviated from that policy.

Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is

Being able to do everything in the business doesn't necessarily mean you should do everything.

You regard it as impossible that a sinner should be struck down by the wrath of God! I do not!

We should pledge ourselves to the proposition that the irresponsible life is not worth living.

If we are giving judicial benefits to one part, we should give them to the other part as well.

When you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about

When they are assailed by despair, young people should let universal concerns into their lives.

You worthless sonofabitch. You should never have been anything more than a cum stain! (Stryker)

Wit is like caviar - it should be served in small portions and not spread about like marmalade.

Men's reproduction isn't regulated by the state -- and it shouldn't be. Neither should women's.

The EU should help the emergence of "organized multipolarity" in the currently non-polar world.

Your wardrobe should complement your skill set, never detract - or distract - from your assets.

It is absolutely essential that one should be neutral and not fall in love with the hypothesis.

Don't incriminate yourself. You got the Twitter. I hate twitter. It should be some exclusivity.

I believe if somebody chooses plastic surgery it should be for themselves, not for anyone else.

I'm not a role model... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids.

Industry now should become a full partner of government in supporting longrange basic research.

The Christian should work as if all depended upon him, and pray as if it all depended upon God.

Surely people should eventually cease to be surprised at anything? And yet they continue to be.

In architecture you should live for 150 years, because you have to learn in the first 75 years.

Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.

Actors should be overheard, not listened to, and the audience is 50 percent of the performance.

Most people live for love and admiration. But it is by love and admiration that we should live.

There should be a law that you can't shut down the government - that you don't have that power.

There's two sorts of fear: one you embrace and one you should listen to and turn the other way.

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