A fellow and his business should be bosom friends in the office and sworn enemies out of it.

But for I am a woman should I therefore live that I should not tell you the goodness of God?

An artist is someone who should raise questions rather than give answers. I have no message.

We should learn from the snail: it has devised a home that is both exquisite and functional.

Any soldier worth his salt should be antiwar. And still there are things worth fighting for.

One should do nothing other than what is directly or indirectly of benefit to living beings.

I am a very committed wife. And I should be committed too - for being married so many times.

I like to move forward and notice things along the roadside that indicate where I should go.

If our legal counsel, Bob Rutherford, works for Satan, Satan should buy Bob a better toupee.

The Lord is a good banker, and I trust Him. He has never failed me. Why should I be anxious?

If we wish our nature to be free and joyous, we should bring our activities into same order.

I think you should take your job seriously, but not yourself - that is the best combination.

The ethical person should do more then he is required to do, and less than he is allowed to.

He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead, for she is wont to favor the bold.

Beauty, like wit, to judges should be shown; Both most are valued where they best are known.

That I ever think for one minute that I should ever feel lonely is obscene and unreasonable.

To be thoroughly modern, an aphorism should trail off vaguely rather than coming to a point.

Things are not as they should be. Because He's not finished yet. They will be. Rest assured.

If we want users to like our software, we should design it to behave like a likeable person.

The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature.

Every time I catch myself saying, "Oh no, you shouldn't try that," I think, "Yes, I should."

It is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage.

You can't expect that, after a poor fellow has written a book, he should also understand it.

People have the right to love who they love and nobody should have anything to say about it!

All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why.

How has podcasting changed things? A lot of people ask me if I feel I should be more famous.

By your logic I should also be in charge of Solinade dances, needlework, and horse thieving.

Nothing that's really worthwhile should be easy, Belgarion. If it's easy, we don't value it.

If I had understood the situation a bit better I should probably have joined the Anarchists.

Knowledge should be a public good, and I want my ideas to have as much exposure as possible.

Modern dancers should be doing things no one else is doing, and it should come from the gut.

How friendly we should all be with one another if nobody were interested in money and honor.

Of course in the first matches you are more careful, perhaps more careful than you should be

No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party who ignores her sex.

We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them.

Those who have the power and should be the most responsible are often the least responsible.

You do what you can, and you do it because you should. But all you can do is all you can do.

It is the fortunate who should extol fortune. [Ger., Das Gluck erhebe billig der Begluckte.]

The 3-minute mile goal is to teach runners that the impossible is where goals should be set.

If you're going to make a desperate, hopeless act of defiance you should make it a good one.

Coppola has problems getting financing, so why should I not have problems getting financing.

We should see the desire for neatness, the desire for sharp impressions, as a desire in art.

The thing about rights is that in the end you can't prove what should be considered a right.

I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle.

Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the center of your heart filled with love.

There are people whom one should like very well to drop, but would not wish to be dropped by.

I suppose I should get a VCR, but the only thing I like about television is its ephemerality.

You should always celebrate your successes because someone else will celebrate your failures.

Cellphone and other wireless radiation should be classified as a "probable human carcinogen."

I don't see as many movies as I used to. Or, I should say, as many movies as I would like to.

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