Why then should witless man so much misweene That nothing is but that which he hath seene?

They say the movies should be more like life; I think life should be more like the movies.

Turn off the sound in a movie, and if you can tell what's going on, the movie should work.

Eternal life should be sought elsewhere, perhaps in the religious community, not politics.

Anything that reduces war-related destruction should not be considered altogether immoral.

You should be willing to do something that will take you five minutes or less for anybody.

Everybody who is young is promising. The world should sue the young for breach of promise.

When you have a novel set in a fictional history, you still should get your history right.

Fashion faux pas should be celebrated. I enjoy them because it means we're not all clones.

I have had wealth, rank and power, but, if these were all I had, how wretched I should be.

There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion.

The audience should go out and see Shark Night 3D because you can bring your whole family.

I suppose one should have an integrated personality, but I've never really seen the point.

I alienated the automotive industry by saying that cars should be lightweight and compact.

O human beauty, what a dream art thou, that we should cast our life and hopes away on thee!

I'm not one to blame anyone else for anything. And I don't think anyone else should either.

I don't understand being idle; I don't have an idle setting. I probably should develop one.

Procedure names should reflect what they do; function names should reflect what they return

To create a healthy philosophy you should renounce metaphysics but be a good mathematician.

The job of the iPad should be to be so powerful and capable that you never need a notebook.

People are often most proud of precisely those things of which they should most be ashamed.

Satire should, like a polished razor keen, Wound with a touch that's scarcely felt or seen.

It is often said by reformers that government should be conducted upon business principles.

An artist should remain true. Otherwise his talent, like his stomach, grows fat and stuffy.

I don't think the Democrats should think in narrow tactical terms about mid-term elections.

Like air pollution, flood risk is a threat that government should be protecting us against.

A formally harmonious product needs no decoration, it should be elevated through pure form.

I got married before I found myself. People should find themselves before they get married.

If I had cared about her as I should have, as I thought I did, how could I have let her go?

I also have an idea for a book on biodiversity, and why and how we should be conserving it.

I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes an art.

A writer should bury his thoughts deep and convey them through the characters in his novel.

One should not google oneself. My mother lets me know when I'm being followed by paparazzi.

I should mention that I am a member of the board of directors of Dimensional Fund Advisors.

One should respect an honest person even if he expresses opinions differing from one's own.

If something's important enough, you should try. Even if - the probable outcome is failure.

Tolerance and patience should not be read as signs of weakness. They are signs of strength.

Advertising, if it is any good, should help to confirm what already is, not what should be.

I also believe that the Supreme Court should be the final arbiter of all federal questions.

To develop thinking as a skill, it should be deliberate, focused, confident, and enjoyable.

Didn't it make sense that after something horrible happens, something better should follow?

However, some of my work is very subtle, and one should expect very subtle reactions to it.

After you hear even the shortest great story, it should fill you with a little bit of fear.

The line between art and life should be kept as fluid, and perhaps indistinct, as possible.

I have a confidence because my research shows that I should just really trust my instincts.

Derivatives trading should be standardized and as much as possible moved to clearinghouses.

Since others have to tolerate my weaknesses, it is only fair that I should tolerate theirs.

You should hit him in the face with frying pans more often," Said Rhys "he seems to like it

Put an end once and for all to this discussion of what a good person should be, and be one.

The question was heatedly debated of how much Western culture should be brought into China.

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