Clothing should be quieter than the woman so that her true beauty can shine through.

If we only spent more of our time in looking at Him we should soon forget ourselves.

Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can have as many women as I want?

Life, like poker has an element of risk. It shouldn't be avoided. It should be faced.

We should care, not so much about being recognized, as about being worth recognition.

Every woman should shave her head once in her life, to experience what it feels like.

You're old when you're old. Why should you be limited by someone else's expectations?

When anyone says to me, 'Can you keep a secret?' I say, 'Why should I, if you can't?'

Romance, like alcohol, should be enjoyed but must not be allowed to become necessary.

In art, to express the infinite one should suggest infinitely more than is expressed.

I thought one should have the attitude of 'What do you care what other people think!'

Politics is not religion and we should govern on the basis of evidence, not theology.

Why should I? I've done nothing to be ashamed of. I am not ashamed - I am only beaten

Nobody should be wearing a scrunchie anymore. I feel angry. That is my tipping point.

One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one's own self.

I know by now you think I should have straightened myself out - Thank you, drop dead!

The preciousness of the moment, which should make it easier to talk, makes it harder.

I don't know what people should be reading. Only you know what you should be reading.

If I had inherited a fortune I should probably not have cast my lot with mathematics.

I am responsible for the team and a journalist should be responsible for his article.

A writer should never install himself before a panorama, however grandiose it may be.

life itself is not the miracle. that pain should be so constant, that's the miracle -

Everyone should learn a manual trade: It's never too late to become an honest person.

At least once in their life, every man should feel what it's like to wear high heels.

Because knowledge is not for showing off. If I do good work, people should notice me.

It has been said that good prose should resemble the conversation of a well-bred man.

Why is it fair that I should be paying a higher percentage of taxes than anyone else?

When you need to hold onto something, you should. Whatever gets you through, take it.

Find a way to enjoy parts of every run. Most of your runs should be mostly enjoyable.

Instead of fearing the future, I should live and enjoy the present, she told herself.

Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.

I don't doubt the sincerity of my Democratic friends. And they should not doubt ours.

West Bengal belongs to Bengalis. We should live here like a king and not as servants.

Oh! I am delighted with the book! I should like to spend my whole life in reading it.

One should avoid carrying out an experiment requiring more than 10 per cent accuracy.

I think if a woman is feeling aggressive, she should be aggressive and not hold back.

You should never be comfortable, man. Being comfortable fouled up a lot of musicians.

His [Donald Trump] words were foul and detestable and we all should acknowledge that.

Dying should come easy: like a freight train you don't hear when your back is turned.

Music should be made to make people forget their problems, if only for a short while.

It should therefore be difficult in a republic to declare war; but not to make peace.

A testimony is a testimony, and it should be respected, whether it is small or large.

Call Berlin. Drop everything we're doing. I have a complete vision of what should be.

He is sometimes slave who should be master; and sometimes master who should be slave.

You should make yourself so happy, that by looking at you, other people become happy.

Do every common act as a god should do it; speak every word as a god should speak it.

if you belive in something then you should do it dont let anything stand in your way.

If you don't take your clothes seriously, why should your viewers take you seriously?

The gratitude ... should be commensurate with the boundless blessings which we enjoy.

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then surely you should be friend to my friend.

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