If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead.

If quitting smoking seems hard right now, it is exactly what you should start doing

Man should be master of his environment, not its slave. That is what freedom means.

I'm not romantic at all. I'm a moaner. I should be on Grumpy Old Men. I'm terrible.

Vision is a mental picture of what could be, fueled by a passion that it should be.

There should be no distinction between what we write down, and what we really know.

The procreation of [the diseased, the feeble-minded and paupers] should be stopped.

You will never convince anyone to do anything unless you believe it should be done.

We should hold abusers — and no one else — responsible for the damage they inflict.

To write at the same temperature at which I live I should write nothing but poetry.

The nation should have a tax system that looks like someone designed it on purpose.

Whether of not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Tobacco exports should be expanded aggressively because Americans are smoking less.

The computer should be doing the hard work. That's what it's paid to do, after all.

God gave us mouths that close and ears that don't... that should tell us something.

I think we should enjoy our families and everyone that we love right now, each day.

Should I tell him I'm not afraid of being hurt? I'm afraid of not being in control.

Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul.

Churches should evaluate everything they do to determine how it can be done better.

If I were of the trade, I should naturalize art as much as they "artialize" nature.

Someone has to die in order that the rest of should value life more. It's contrast.

To me, the lyrics mean more then the music, and that's the way it should always be.

Opportunity is often missed because we are broadcasting when we should be tuning in

Business should be like religion and science; it should know neither love nor hate.

The church should be a place where people can be free to say that they are sinners.

The question is not "To be or not to be," it is what we should be until we are not.

I am mildly addicted to Mucinex-D. I feel like I should just come clean about that.

We should be suspicious when God's call conforms so neatly to our own inclinations.

I am sure, Though you can guess what temperance should be, You know not what it is.

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.

There are books which one should not attempt before having passed the age of forty.

In a poem the words should be as pleasing to the ear as the meaning is to the mind.

No treaty should be ratified without consulting the British people in a referendum.

We should strive to develop within ourselves the traits of character of the Savior.

Suppose you should fail. Is that so terrible? Not to have tried is a worse failure.

History should be to the political economist a wellspring of experience and wisdom.

One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.

For every profanity, there's a story behind it. People should go beyond my cussing.

Every startup CEO should understand Gamification, because gaming is the new normal.

Avarice and Happiness never saw each other, how then should they become acquainted?

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

I did what any American could and should do: serve his country in its time of need.

I want you more than I should," she heard herself say. "I have you less than I want.

Everybody who was involved in that culture [Wells Fargo] should be held accountable.

The one who actually decided that I should keep my name was my manager, Erv Woolsey.

Our immigration policy should be based in compassion and a desire to help the other.

Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.

You should not propose marriage until you have resolved your feelings about your ex.

Art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue.

The question I should have asked is not what is the rule, but what is the principle.

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