To be happy with human beings, we should not ask them for what they cannot give.

Shows should just be able to be shows without hyphenating their lead characters.

If any era should be aware of the temptations to rewrite history, it is our own.

You got to stop asking your politicians how they are going to do this or that...

You should only confide your secrets to someone who has not tried to guess them.

Nothing once begun should be abandoned, unless it is proved to be morally wrong.

We should know mankind better if we were not so anxious to resemble one another.

I don't know if I should say this, but I feel more like a singer than an artist.

No man should advocate a course in private that he's ashamed to admit in public.

The consequences of a crime should not be out of proportion to the crime itself.

You ask people, 'should we go back to square one?' People don't want to do that.

More than half your marketing time should be devoted to your existing customers.

You can date whoever you want, but you should marry the nerds and the good guys.

Some secrets should never turn into confessions. I know that better than anyone.

It was God's word that made us; is it any wonder that His word should sustain us?

A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective.

He [Winston Churchill] has a future and I have a past, so we should be all right.

By the second sentence of a pitch, the entirety of the story should be explained.

Whoever is victor, there should be, after the war, a commonwealth of all nations.

It's wrong for parents to bury their children. It should be the other way around.

Without being legalistic, we should be careful and wise in all decisions we make.

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.

If your only arbiter of anything is money, really you should... go and rob banks.

I say we should stake him to an anthill and throw little pickles at him! (Selena)

I love every aspect of being a woman. I believe you should celebrate who you are.

We should avoid planting and cultivating too many thorns in the bosom of society.

A man who lived on the banks of the Niger should not wash his hands with spittle.

They say money doesn't buy happiness. That phrase should end with 'just kidding'.

I have reached the conclusion, a bit late perhaps, that speeches should be short.

I absolutely believe that when one goes on vacation, it should be pure decadence.

You should never listen to someone practice. That is their work and theirs alone.

Designers shouldn’t design for museums any more than mummies should die for them.

Human beings should be held accountable. Leave God alone. He has enough problems.

We should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience.

One should become the master of one's mind rather than let one's mind master him.

For me, Mexploitation seemed like something that should have existed, but didn't.

I don't think any person in America should die because they are too poor to live.

Photography, like alcohol, should only be allowed to those who can do without it.

I think more women should be involved in politics for the good of the human race.

Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.

Perhaps I just wasn't scary enough. Maybe I should invest in some horns or fangs.

I hate stupid people. They should have to wear signs that just say, 'I'm stupid.'

Why should a man say what he feels, when a women is going to ignore what he says?

When you know your reason for existence, it should effect the decisions you make.

Chaykin at his ballsiest and most dynamic. This is how the Shadow should be done.

I suppose I should understand it [fame] better by this point, but I really don't.

The love of a parent for a child is the love that should grow towards separation.

I think a painting should include more experience than simply intended statement.

If you want to do your duty properly, you should do just a little more than that.

You should see my house. It's sort of explosive. Like a crazy person lives there.

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