We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon.

The hardest thing about going to college should not be paying for it.

One should be just as careful about lying as about telling the truth.

Everyone should get to clobber a princess at least once," Jason said.

Before researchers become researches they should become philosophers.

If movies are set in New York, they really should be shot in New York.

You have to work for everything. Marriage should not be any different.

Most anthropologists are doing straightforward ethnography, and should

I think what you can’t see is always what you should be frightened of.

The leader should know how to enter into evil when necessity commands.

A writer should write with his eyes and a painter paint with his ears.

Abstract propositions should never be discussed by a legislative body.

Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.

We should also start taking care of the future, not just the heritage.

For a "monotheistic" religion it should be sufficient with three gods.

There should be an international lunar base. That is certainly doable.

I was lonelier than I should be, for a woman in love, or half in love.

But what goes on in my life outside of the game should be my business.

You should try to get what you want in life and try not to be limited.

Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color.

They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.

Gave her love away, put it in my pocket when it should of been framed!

to be reasonable one should never complain but when one hopes redress.

He who accuses another of wrong should look well into his own conduct.

Where you are born should not dictate your potential as a human being.

I had learned that you should always shout louder than your aggressor.

I never do impressions, but I probably should. People like that stuff.

Don't let small minded people dictate how you should look and be free.

I always say that No Ordinary Family was the show that should've been.

If from society we learn to live, solitude should teach us how to die.

Nigeria is what it is because its leaders are not what they should be.

I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.

Maybe we should wait....wait for him to kill another five or six, huh?

I'm a good friend of Jonah Lehrer's. You should go on a date with him.

People decide what markets should do - they are not a force of nature.

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high.

You should have read the directions before you showed up to the party.

I don't feel like you should promote personally that you dress nicely.

Anything worthy of your passion, should be worthy of your preparation.

An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.

If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life

I truly believe, as an institution, most major labels should just die.

I should be a postage stamp. That’s the only way I’ll ever get licked!

One should not believe too strongly in a life which can easily vanish.

My home is a place of warmth and love. No one should be denied a home.

You should *have* an experience; it shouldn't just *be* an experience.

We should celebrate immigrants and everything they do for our country.

You should wake up every day looking for the trouble you can get into.

There are people in our society who should be separated and discarded.

We have one life and we should cherish it and make it the best we can.

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