My book should smell of pines and resound with the hum of insects.

Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child.

The Dalai Lama should not be partisan either, should remain above.

A good butler should save his employer's life at least once a day.

In the matter of dress one should always keep below one's ability.

Men talk about art, and artists make art, but should artists talk?

One must never tell a child what it is they should display acting.

There's one thing everyone should understand: I like my character.

We should not be too familiar with the lower orders or with women.

Fas est ab hoste doceri. One should learn even from one's enemies.

It's better that the innocent should live than that the guilty die

I don't like the word 'futurists.' I think we should be 'nowists.'

You should be treating yourself like you are your own best friend.

Whatever brawls disturb the street, There should be peace at home.

One should do what one is best at on as large a scale as possible.

We should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you.

For me, the filmmaking should serve the story, first and foremost.

Everyone should have the opportunity of not being over-influenced.

If Iran was a stock, you folks should go out and buy it right now.

Since God is infinite he should be infinitely interesting as well.

Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.

The well-being and welfare of children should always be our focus.

I think that love should be greater than your lust for each other.

Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?

Every mosque that is tied to jihad-related activity should be shut.

Morally speaking, we should be concerned for our whole environment.

Why should the lamp or the house be an art object but not our life?

I don't think the schools are getting as much money as they should.

If you are going to make something forever, you should be yourself.

The framers knew that liberty is a fragile thing, and so should we.

This is how philosophers should salute each other: ‘Take your time.

Each part of a great painting should in itself be a great painting.

If I can give you some kind of knowledge of life you should listen.

No man should leave in the universe anything of which he is afraid.

I don't know how one should live - but I know that one should live.

Write what you know. That should leave you with a lot of free time.

In politics one should not expect big jumps. Everything takes time.

I should be making plans more for the next world than for this one.

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

There is only what is and that's it. What should be is a dirty lie.

You should not bring more items and hurdles to the obstacle course.

One should not confuse the craving for life with endorsement of it.

If you should leave me, my heart will turn to water and flood away.

God knows that we should not despise anything. We must do our best.

I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly.

Progress, not perfection, is what we should be asking of ourselves.

Why should I be angry with a man for loving himself better than me?

I've read some scripts, but I don't read as many books as I should.

The King himself should be under no man, but under God and the Law.

Immigration should be enforced in a proportional and humane manner.

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