I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.

Art should be concerned more with life than with art.

Who can hope for nothing, should despair for nothing.

We should be willing to act as a balm for all wounds.

Food should be fun, but it should also be functional.

Nature and wisdom are not, but should be, companions.

I do believe that American should deal from strength.

You’re a human, you should understand self-obsession.

You should shine with all of your light all the time.

the letters are mixed up. U and I should be together.

Trust should be the basis for all our moral training.

And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.

charm should be on the surface. It has no hidden use.

In this cruel world kindness should always be repaid.

I think you should make a movie that has an audience.

It should be known that Israel is based on treachery.

A man should be jailed for telling lies to the young.

Distrust of authority should be the first civic duty.

I am convinced that nobody should be afraid of peace.

Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs.

A Poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit.

No one should teach who is not in love with teaching.

If you really think you're right, you should tell it.

A museum is a place where one should lose one's head.

Fantasy should be as close as possible to journalism.

Getting a tattoo should hurt. It's a rite of passage.

The tongue should not be suffered to outrun the mind.

Making music should not be left to the professionals.

The harder you work out, the more you should stretch.

Nature intended that woman should be her masterpiece.

There's no reason you should write any novel quickly.

I feel like fashion should not happen in the morning.

Life isn't all diamonds and rose... but it should be.

I have never read it. You should not waste your time.

Living should be perpetual and universal benediction.

Health insurance should be a given for every citizen.

I don't avoid confrontation, people should know that.

You should visit before you pass judgment on a place.

Why should I be feeling tension? It's The Daily Show.

Outing is brutal and it should be reserved for brutes

Good prose should be transparent, like a window pane.

What else should we do with the Word of God but obey?

The only place where poverty should be is in museums.

The end of all knowledge should be service to others.

Why should I care? I have all the money in the world.

The movies helped define how I should be as a person.

Do not pursue what should be, but understand what is.

But even if you should betray me, I will forgive you.

Family matters should be that and stay in the family.

Every man should be content to mind his own business.

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