The nation should be ruled by the Ten Commandments.

Even a pacifist should admire the military virtues.

A poem should be odd as a small cast-iron platypus.

Nebraska sets the standard for how fans should act.

Like pleasure, beauty should be savored and enjoyed

We should worship as though the deity were present.

Why should be fruit be held inferior to the flower?

Science can only state what is, not what should be.

I don't think it should be a big deal who you love.

A book should serve as an axe to the ice inside us.

I do not know myself, and God forbid that I should.

We should create law based on the God of the Bible.

We are a nation at war - and we should act like it.

I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me.

A man should never neglect his family for business.

I am an introvert. I should get that out there now.

Maybe more businesses should allow time for recess.

We should work for simple, good, undecorated things

That foreign trade should be fair rather than free.

I am not and should not be considered an economist.

We should care about what is going on in the world.

Life should be built on the conservation of energy.

It is not permitted that we should know everything.

When a new book appears one should read an old one.

Every artist should want to be like Michael Jackson

If death is inevitable, one should try to die well.

Plan. Yes. Good idea. I should come up with a plan.

Memory should be the starting point of the present.

Anger is like mild, it should not be kept too long.

I should think I'm going to be a perpetual student.

Life, after all, should go forwards, not backwards.

Ningauble shrugged. You're a hero. You should know.

Sex addiction is a subject that should be discussed

A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot

Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard.

Where you stand should not depend on where you sit.

A violin should be played with love, or not at all.

How odd, that light should prevent one from seeing.

A fox should not be on the jury at a goose's trial.

You should do what we do, stack chips like Hebrews.

Music of all arts should be expansive and inclusive.

As a rule, one should never place form over content.

A great book should leave you with many experiences.

The worse a woman feels, the better should she look.

There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.

The ability to be successful should be a good thing.

Lust should be stifled, for it cannot lead to truth.

I feel like there should be more black head coaches.

Writing should be the settlement of dew on the leaf.

What should I say? That I like him so much it hurts?

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