The wisdom acquired with the passage of time is a useless gift unless you share it.

I'd always have a sort of automatic urge to share what I'm doing with other people.

Don't tell us about dreams – dream dinners aren't any good and we can't share them.

One thing I probably share with everyone else in the astronaut office is composure.

I want millionaires and billionaires and Big Oil companies to pay their fair share.

There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord does not share with us.

In our world, it's a big deal when you have a favourite collaborator and share them.

barfly n. You have the ability to talk to anyone which is an ability I do not share.

The ability to share whole scenes form our lives will be a valuable thing over time.

We share something in common with the fabric of the whole universe that connects us.

My mantra is: Let there be happiness in my soul, and let me share it with the world.

I read the Bible every day, study it, and share with my wife the blessings of faith.

My share of the work may be limited, but the fact that it is work makes it precious.

We should only admit into America those who share our values and respect our people.

The power to share has already turned once-solitary activities into social occasions.

Intolerance is a form of egotism, and to condemn egotism intolerantly is to share it.

Whom shall I call on? Who will share with me The wretched happiness of staying alive?

I do not share the general view that market forces are the basis of personal liberty.

Do not keep what you have selfishly bottled up; pour it out, share it with the world.

Don't share your fantasies unless you're sure your partner really wants to hear them.

I came from a wealthy family. I made over my share of the estate to various charities.

Ideas have a shelf-life. Share yours, let others collaborate, and you'll get new ones.

I am always willing to share my perspective and my personal experience and my journey.

An unshared life is not living. He who shares does not lessen, but greatens, his life.

The aim of SK's fundamental change is to increase happiness and share it with society.

Find your own 'sweet spot'. Take your talents and enjoy them, share them, expand them.

Occasionally, I share advice, but most of my advice is based on my personal experience.

The biggest guru-mantra is: never share your secrets with anybody. It will destroy you.

I cannot teach anybody how to cook. All I can do is show them, share methods with them.

Let's prove that the American dream is big enough for everyone to share in its promise.

I'm entitled to collect my fair share of community property without being called names.

We don’t own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.

What you eat affects you physically as well as other beings you share this planet with.

I've made my share of mistakes, but had the good fortune to have them not be so public.

Having been given that public trust, we have a responsibility to share with the public.

Clean up. Clean up, everybody, everywhere. Clean up. Clean up, everybody do your share.

That's what I love about acting and love and drama and art: that humanness we all share.

The reason there's so much ignorance is that those who have it are so eager to share it.

Under no circumstances would it be right for me to go with MGM. Irene shares my opinion.

Women's propensity to share confidences is universal. We confirm our reality by sharing.

What is a socialist? One who has yearnings To share equal profits from unequal earnings.

The only people you can really share certain things with in secret are your girlfriends.

When we share our personal data with business, its use should be transparent and secure.

Socialism will be here the day we share our profits to the degree we share our failures.

The name of the game is not market share, it's how fast we (Sony) can grow the industry.

Go out, live your best life, encourage and share your laugh, and make other people laugh.

It is invaluable to have a friend who shares your interests and helps you stay motivated.

Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud; but, God He knows, thy share thereof is small.

I have invented nothing. I have simply documented a magical alchemy that I want to share.

We have the deepest respect and reverence for Islam and all who share the faith of Islam.

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