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Sondheim is the Shakespeare of the musical theater world.
I don't fool myself. I can't see myself doing Shakespeare.
I would love to do Shakespeare, either onstage or on film.
I think it's always funny when you see kids do Shakespeare.
The Germans call him 'Our Shakespeare' because we love him.
Shakespeare is a permanent presence in the English letters.
In fact I'd like to go back and live in Shakespeare's London.
You can find a connection with any Shakespeare role you play.
A team is a team is a team. Shakespeare said that many times.
The magic word 'Shakespeare' always freezes you in your chair.
Shakespeare is the one who gets re-interpreted most frequently.
It's extremely dangerous to compare anyone else to Shakespeare.
Jacobean plays, before Shakespeare, were particularly visceral.
The greatest crime in a Shakespeare play is to murder the king.
I've been doing Shakespeare readings with my friends for years.
We have cut the text, but what remains are Shakespeare's words.
Shakespeare doesn't really write subtext, you play the subtext.
'As You Like It' was the first Shakespeare production I ever did.
Shakespeare is, after all, Britain's greatest poet and dramatist.
I think American actors are much more intimidated by Shakespeare.
The first 10 years I was a professional actor, I did Shakespeare.
I read Shakespeare when I was 14 because it's what we were taught.
It doesn't seem Shakespeare works if you turn him into a religion.
Shakespeare belongs to the whole of mankind, not just one country.
Whether you're doing Shakespeare or Disney, good work is good work.
I'm sort of nerdy, I liked Shakespeare and Chekhov and the classics.
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations.
I don't do Shakespeare. I don't talk in that kind of broken English.
I did a lot of Shakespeare touring when I was in college in Montana.
Well, as a kid I did not get Shakespeare. I just never understood it.
As I get older I find myself thinking it all begins with Shakespeare.
Anyone can play anyone in Shakespeare. I don't think there are limits.
It is true that there are few plays of Shakespeare that I haven't done.
At my school, Shakespeare wasn't on the syllabus - at least not for me.
People have known of Shakespeare's homosexuality down through the ages.
I graduated on a Friday. By Monday, I was doing Shakespeare in the Park.
If you can read, then you can recite Shakespeare. But that's not acting.
I trained in Shakespeare, and that's all comedy, even when it's tragedy.
Shakespeare was a dramatist of note who lived by writing things to quote.
Shakespeare showed me that once I understand the rules, I can break them.
Shakespeare said, nothing is either good nor bad but thinking makes it so.
Wouldn't you like to have heard the voice of Shakespeare, or Jesus Christ?
I started out doing a lot of theater, a lot of Shakespeare, classic plays.
What if Shakespeare had had a test audience for Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?
One of the problems with Shakespeare is that you can never give him a ring.
Shakespeare would never have gone far in today's politically correct world.
England produced Shakespeare, and the British Empire the six-shilling novel.
I love Shakespeare and the Greeks - learned a lot studying them at one time.
I've got no need to prove to myself that I can do Shakespeare. I've done it.
We had five goats, two dogs, a cat and racks of commentaries on Shakespeare.