Life has its ups and downs, so to expect otherwise is setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you do two versions of a film, they should be identical. With the same frames and settings.

We are setting ourselves up for disappointment if our hope is built on anything less than Jesus.

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat?

If you ever see me in a social setting wearing any sort of sportswear, then you know I'm in crisis.

Happiness, wealth, and success are by-products of goal setting, they cannot be the goal themselves.

Roblox provides a world where kids can get together and socialize in hundreds of different settings.

We all get caught up in what we're doing that we forget to start setting ourselves up for the future.

Poetry is the renewal of words, setting them free, and that's what a poet is doing: loosening the words.

Let us understand Darwinism so we can walk in the opposite direction when it comes to setting up society.

'Irma Voth' is my sixth book, but it's only the third time I've featured Mennonite settings and characters.

We remind ourselves that it's a hobby [The Esemblist]; nobody is setting these deadlines for us, except us.

not judging truth to be in nature better than falsehood, but setting a value upon both according to interest.

The closer you can get to your setting and to primary sources, the more authentic your history is going to be.

Yoga, working out, go to class, group settings where you can't be on your phone, that's a great way to unplug!

One of the things I enjoy most about writing historical romance is researching inspiring backgrounds and settings.

Egos appear by setting themselves apart from other egos.Persons appear byentering into relationwith other persons.

Peace comes not by establishing a calm outward setting so much as by inwardly surrendering to whatever the setting.

I'm very happy, very delighted. I'm setting to like a fighting cockerel, for I'm surrounded here by all that I love.

As a writer, I'm driven by settings. Others are driven by characters or predicaments, but with me, settings come first.

Embrace's infant warmers are a novel solution. The product has been designed specifically for resource-constrained settings.

Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work.

Markets are, in many settings, self-organizing and 'efficient' in terms of maximizing the welfare of both buyers and sellers.

True modesty and true pride are much the same thing: both consist in setting a just value on ourselves - neither more nor less.

There are a lot of mysteries about quantum mechanics, but they mostly arise in very detailed measurements in controlled settings.

I screw up on the delay settings, so pretty much everything is manually done by me - I don't have those presets like the Edge has.

I encountered on a regular basis rude comments and sexual innuendo and cat calls and overt sexual propositions in professional settings.

The routines of social intercourse in established settings allow us to deal with anticipated others without special attention or thought.

If you delight more in God’s gifts than in God Himself, you are practically setting up another God above Him, and this you must never do.

I've always leaned toward a feminine, funky style, even in business settings. I used to paint my nails blue in 1993, before it was mainstream.

Growing up in Delhi, India, I did puzzles, explored numbers, and searched for patterns in everyday settings long before I ever saw an equation.

Everyone experiences different parts of themselves at different times, these different parts of themselves that come out in different settings.

I think there's so much negative influence on children in school settings. It becomes learning by rote to pass a test. It's not contextualized.

How should an artist begin to do his work as an artist? I would insist that he begin his work as an artist by setting out to make a work of art.

By setting up a universe which tends to hold everything we do, see, and say in the sway of its cosmos, an archetype is best comparable with a God

Friction and misunderstandings often occur when communicating across generations. It gets even more challenging when working across virtual settings.

I film normal-life subjects in natural settings that some people would consider uncinematic. But what I want to show is nature itself, as the truth of life.

There's something intrinsically therapeutic about choosing to spend your time in a wide, open park-like setting that non-golfers can never truly understand.

It's not going to be technology. It's not going to be globalization. It's going to be policy decisions and policy settings that will form the future of work.

Truth has to appear only once, in one single mind, for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze.

It's not about how loud you turn the amp up. That's not what makes it sound big. What makes it sound big is fooling around with different delays and reverb settings.

Shakespeare is rhythmic; he is musical in the sense that he likes poetry, and he's musical because he constantly refers to settings where there's singing and dancing.

I have ten thousand memories of myself writing alone in basements, bizarre servant quarters, cemeteries, deserted fountains, the band van, and other awkward settings.

I am not entirely off grid. I send a lot of email. But the way Facebook constantly alters its privacy settings to bamboozle you into giving more away is just underhand.

I love going to writers' colonies in pastoral settings where there's nothing to do but either walk around or read a book or work on your book, and they all seem helpful.

Every collaboration helps you grow. With Bowie, it's different every time. I know how to create settings, unusual aural environments. That inspires him. He's very quick.

The comics I made from 1990 to 1997 were largely based in vaguely urban, vaguely dystopic settings because that was my reference point for comics storytelling in general.

A story comes into your head fully formed, you know exactly the place, the setting, the people. All you've got to do is get it our and written as soon as you possibly can.

Reducing MRSA infections is critical because these bacteria are difficult to treat and are common in healthcare settings, especially among ICU (intensive care unit) patients.

It's a big, big advantage because understanding what changes we might make takes time and it takes time to work out settings and to understand everything about the new machine.

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