Un homme n'est rien d'autre qu'une se rie d'entreprises. A man is no other than a series of undertakings.

From the beginning, the series has been story driven - I began with a story idea - but research feeds it.

My aim is that every sermon series I preach is prepared as though I were teaching a college-level course.

Black history is a series of missing chapters from British history. I'm trying to put those bits back in.

I normally keep a series of draft in a catalogue type of book in which I scribble, sketch and draw ideas.

Every script I've written and every series I've produced have expressed the things I most deeply believe.

The series of photographic operations, developing, washing, final drying, takes about quarter of an hour.

I find it more challenging to do something new. But I would love to do a third series of 'Phoenix Nights.'

I'd been offered TV series over the years and never had any interest in doing television. I'm not a TV guy.

History has always been a series of pendulum swings, but the individual doesn't have to get caught in that.

I'm definitely leading a much slower life now that I'm not working every single day on a television series.

A lot of times when I've been offered film series and stuff, if they shoot in Los Angeles, I lose interest.

One gets to the heart of the matter by a series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors.

My life has been a series of well-orchestrated accidents; I've always suffered from hallucinogenic optimism.

The best part of being on a television series for all those years is that you really get to hone your craft.

I don't really watch TV series because I don't want to get hooked on them and have them suck up all my time.

There was a time, as a young comic book reader, that I would have proclaimed 'Deadworld' my favorite series.

I had wanted to be a regular character on a series for a while. 'The Brady Bunch' was an answer to a prayer.

It's a wonderful way to have a role on a series - you're not tied down totally and completely to a schedule.

I am a big fan of the TV series 'Taxi' which combined comedy and pathos better than any other show I've seen.

I believed totally in the possibilities implied in the series. I never thought of it as fantasy. Far from it.

And the thing is, every time you start a new show or do a new series, you're committing to another six years.

Class is considerate of others. It knows that good manners is nothing more than a series of petty sacrifices.

I'd rather do a lot of movies than a TV series and do a lot of different roles than be stuck in one TV thing.

Every man sees in his relatives, and especially in his cousins, a series of grotesque caricatures of himself.

I had to go out and give my team a chance. I didn't want to be remembered as the guy blowing the World Series.

Before I read 'Twilight,' I was in a reading funk. This series brought back my love and obsession for reading.

I did the commercials for Gillette during the World Series and at one point I had 27 different beer contracts.

Everybody knows the World Series of Poker is the biggest stage in the world. This is where you make your name.

Harry Potter' is my favorite series, and I've always loved that wish fulfillment, 'anything is possible' idea.

I missed New York. Every break I had from the series, I'd fly back to the East Coast just to get back onstage.

I think of doing a series as very hard work. But then I've talked to coal miners, and that's really hard work.

As far as the 'Mad Men' thing, I love 'Mad Men.' It's one of my favorite shows; I think it's an amazing series.

I'll tell you, 'Fire Walk With Me' is the one for 'Twin Peaks' fans. It's much more haunted than the TV series.

I never read. The paper or anything. I watch a lot of movies, and TV series and stuff. But I never, never read.

Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.

I remember my favorite books when I was a kid: 'The Redwall Adventure' series, 'Ender's Game,' things like that.

I remember very little about writing the first series of 'Hitchhiker's.' It's almost as if someone else wrote it.

I like American late-night shows, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver and Bill Maher - I've got them all on series link.

The hallmarks of the 'Brothers in Arms' series are about authenticity, squad combat, brotherhood between soldiers.

Telling someone you have a web series is the same thing as telling someone, 'On Monday, I start work at Chipotle.'

That's why I think the 'Scarpetta' series has worked so well because people like spending time with this character.

In television, the 60-minute series, 'The Wire' and 'Mad Men' and so on, the writer is the primary creative artist.

We firmly believe the future of television is online, and Hulu has recognized the value of quality long-form series.

I do the same series of five exercises 21 times each day - an ancient Tibetan practice that stimulates your chakras.

Life is supposed to be a series of peaks and valleys. The secret is to keep the valleys from becoming Grand Canyons.

The 'Star Wars' saga is about a series of seemingly chance encounters. They impact the destiny of everyone involved.

I had my first 'Survivor Series' in 1991 and I was fortunate enough to be an instrumental part of the shows I was on.

The 'Heirs of Alexandria' series mixes the Renaissance with magic and demons, based on a changed theological history.

I'm sure Roddenberry in his wildest dreams never would have thought he would have gotten five TV series out of his idea.

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