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My mother and father met at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He was a senior and she was a junior, and their marriage didn't last very long.
President Donald Trump set out to drain the Washington swamp, and perhaps no one has aided him more effectively than senior adviser Jared Kushner.
Good customer service begins at the top. If your senior people don't get it, even the strongest links further down the line can become compromised.
You can think of Hollywood as high school. TV actors are freshmen, comedy actors are maybe juniors, and dramatic actors - they're the cool seniors.
I grew up playing basketball in the inner city of Seattle, and by the time I was a senior, I earned a full scholarship to the University of Denver.
It's always good to show that what you're doing is who you are, what you see on film in the regular season is what you're seeing at the Senior Bowl.
To be able to win a state championship my senior year with the coaches and with some of my closest friends in the world - that was a special memory.
Working with senior and star actors is always a positive and more satisfactory experience, but I have always stressed upon the quality of the script.
We played in the Senior Bowl, ... I got MVP out of jamming his (expletive). It basically started there, with a long week of getting after each other.
One final bit of advice. The next time a senior administrator of the CIA tells you she has a national-security crisis Leave the bullshit in Cambridge.
When Hull came calling it was a great, great move for me and when I went there I managed to get some goals and assists and get a senior Wales call-up.
My daughter, I'm proud to say, is senior vice president of ABC Family network. She could hire and fire me. She has hired me, but she has not fired me.
I'd probably say my biggest yo-yo was when I was finishing up my senior year of college. I lost about 100 pounds and within a year gained it all back.
In America ... the seven ages of man have become preschooler, Pepsi generation, baby boomer, mid-lifer, empty-nester, senior citizen, and organ donor.
At this point I was strongly advised that I was too young socially to go to college so I took a second senior year at Andover, another boarding school.
It's good to give seniors more choices and more options, let them choose a plan that's best for them and target assistance to the lowest income people.
I have a high opinion of Andy Dalton. Going back to 2010, I think I watched every single snap he played at TCU his senior year when I was at Texas A&M.
I acted in junior high in the junior high school group, and then when I got into senior high I was, you know, the main actor of the senior high school.
It simply isn't fair for senators to cut to the front of the line when seniors around the country have been forced to wait for hours to get a flu shot.
When I was a senior in high school, I did an internship with a law firm. And it was very clear that I did not have what it took to do that kind of work.
As a result of the current universal benefit, the poverty rate for seniors in America is about 10%. Without the universal benefit, it would be over 50%.
It's just like high school. If you're a freshman or a sophomore, it's hard to tell the seniors who've been through two, three, playoff games what to do.
I just fell into the job as a fashion editor at a teen magazine. I was there for two years, and I left there as a senior fashion editor at the age of 25.
Preparation for old age should begin not later than one's teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.
Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates.
I do think there is a responsibility for myself as being a senior professional footballer to be able to pass on my experiences to the younger generation.
I remember I was in music class, I was a senior in high school, and my music teacher was like, "You should be a stand-up comic, you could imitate anyone.
Tax cuts continue to benefit families, seniors, and small business owners, as evidenced by unparalleled economic growth in Nevada and across the country.
The reason why we have so many stars campaigning for politics is that when we senior artistes go to speak to people, they at least listen to some extent.
It is important to note that there are no age limitations on who can donate organs and tissue. Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.
I won the 2011 Visa Championships, the 2012 Pacific Rims, and then the 2013 American Cup (the first and only senior elite competition of my elite career).
In my senior year of high school, I was doing a dance with a bunch of friends for the talent show, and my pants split entirely in half. It was incredible.
The [Donald] Trump folks chose not to keep [Dan Fried] on. He was actually - I said he was actually the third-most senior diplomat in the foreign service.
Someone who traffics in much more than what Jeff Sessions said back then will be with the president every day in the White House as his senior strategist.
The buck stops with me, but I can tick off dozens of very good senior executives that are responsible for hundreds or thousands of people who work for me.
Every senior player has to play a part and help the skipper by performing their duties on the field and secondly by performing their duties off the field.
My senior year was crazy, and that summer was definitely life-changing and a lot different than what I was used to, and with that comes a lot of critique.
Deadline' is the story of a young man forced to discover who he is, and what's important in life, during the short span of his senior year in high school.
The reality is that baby boomers are turning senior citizens and not only is it inhumane, but the system will go broke. There needs to be wholesale change.
'Deadline' is the story of a young man forced to discover who he is, and what's important in life, during the short span of his senior year in high school.
Grace Portolesi is a strong, assertive passionate young woman and she is precisely the sort of person I want in my cabinet and she will have a senior role.
The only kind of movement you could make in the Navy was to be a platoon leader or one of those kinds of things as you got more senior in your Navy career.
I don’t know. Word around the girls’ locker room is that all of you are so hard up, you were cruising the senior center, trying to find a prom date.” – Nick
I met my wife in Washington, D.C. I was a senior in college. WW II was about to descend upon us. Jobs were starting to open up after a prolonged depression.
The paradox is that by the time you get to be senior, the decisions that matter the most are the ones that would be best made made by people who are junior.
Housing programs designed to help young families and senior citizens purchase homes should be available to people of all races, including African Americans.
'Senior Citizen' and 'Silver Surfer' are the new euphemisms. Unless you're a female presenter on TV, in which case you're ready for the knacker's yard at 35.
All through my senior year, luckily, I didn't have too many hard classes, just a lot of electives. I was able to spend most of my time at the practice space.
Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy.
I made a quote-unquote 'album' for my senior project of high school. As soon as I finished making it I realized it wasn't the kind of music I wanted to make.