Patriotism is the opposite of selfish individualism.

Honesty is a selfish virtue. Yes I am honest enough.

Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.

Gambling makes boys selfish and cruel as well as men.

Creativity is very selfish. Scandalously so, in fact.

She didn't know there were things worse than selfish.

Doctor Strange is selfish but he's still saving lives.

Philanthropy can have a very strong selfish component.

On a selfish basis, I really enjoy sports and activity.

Only you could love such a vile, selfish peacock, Evie.

Glory, built on selfish principles, is shame and guilt.

When I was young, I was very selfish, now not any more.

Man is known to be a selfish, as well as a social being.

I am selfish. I am cruel. My mate cannot be less than I.

No man will work for your interests unless they are his.

And is it selfish of me to crave victory, or is it brave?

Every selfish man, strangely enough, becomes a self slayer

I write from my life, my experience. I'm selfish that way.

Idiot! Lunatic! Moron! Jackass! Selfish irresponsible fool!

It is selfishness which is the cause of most of our misery.

Selfish people are in a way terribly capable of great loves.

Nothing resembles selfishness more closely than self-respect

Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.

Drug addicts, when they are in their addiction, are selfish.

I think Jughead's a selfish character. I think he really is.

What a cage is to the wild beast, law is to the selfish man.

Unless you love yourself, you can't love anybody. Be selfish.

Even if I'm being selfish, but I want you to only look at me.

Present unhappiness is selfish; past sorrow is compassionate.

Anyone as selfish and determined as you are is never helpless.

What selfish seeds I plant along the way, black harvest today.

Selfishness, not love, is the actuating motive of the gallant.

I prefer a loose woman to a selfish one and a wanton to a fool.

I am selfish, private and easily bored. Will this be a problem?

Sympathizing and selfish people are alike, both given to tears.

Next to the young, I suppose the very old are the most selfish.

I think I'm still figuring out how to be a little less selfish.

And, selfish and scared, I wonder how much more he has to give.

I am selfish, but that's an attribute that all artists possess.

That's okay. You an be selfish with me all you want. I'm yours.

I always felt too young and selfish to have children of my own.

Sharing bad news with strangers is most certainly a selfish act.

I've given up reading books. I find it takes my mind off myself.

Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

Unhappiness is selfish, grief is selfish. For whom are the tears?

Marriage takes your whole heart; selfish people can't pull it off.

Customs are generally unselfish. Habits are nearly always selfish.

Evil isn't a cosmological riddle, only just selfish human behavior.

We don't have selfish guys here, which sometimes leads to problems.

The greatest meliorator of the world is selfish, huckstering Trade.

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